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Creating in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+8Posted:2016-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: createcreatureincreasingbreathingincreasinglyratingoperatingfascinating
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211. This has had damaging environmental consequences, such as creating new pressures for house building and increasing reliance on car-based transport.
212. Already, the mayor is creating a cadre of business advisors to start brainstorming more ideas.
213. Besides, he always began creating a character from the voice.
214. What a sense of destiny he had, locked in the miniature room, creating a design, a network of connections.
215. Unfortunately, the media is creating a huge burden for this poor child.
216. In a landscape of such transience and amnesia, the burden of creating a world shifts to the watcher.
217. The government, through its regional policy, also provides assistance to companies creating jobs in depressed areas.
218. We will halt the commercial market which is creating a two-tier health service.
219. The agents transform isolated software applications into modular building blocks for creating a coherent networked system.
220. Nineteenth-century choreographers creating either a character or a national ballet used both occupational and natural emotional gesture in their dance designs.
221. Rosenbluth Travel redefined its business by creating new information services that were attractive to its corporate customers.
222. This allows less dangerous toxins like lactic acid to accumulate, creating overly acidic conditions in your muscles.
223. The grouping formalised the situation by creating four essentially geographically based companies, even though they did stray into one another's territories.
224. In it, Adams broke free of the minimalist school of composing and began creating his rich collages of Americana.
225. So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning. Mitch Albom 
226. The evening raised over £125 for the Save the Elephant appeal and succeeded in creating awareness about many conservation problems.
227. What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos. Osho 
228. We have found that creating this climate involves a number of factors.
229. Brown believes the Greys are attempting to speed human evolution and enhance our spirituality by creating humans with some Grey genes.
230. By creating favourable conditions at every level, healing will take place quite naturally.
231. In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could have great significance for organic farming.
232. As well as creating ordinary compressed files, you can even create self extracting versions.
233. Wesley Smith Opponents say it's a policy doomed to fail - creating massive environmental damage.
234. It'simulates creating a process's address space.
235. Let's fix that by creating a new container object called a Group that can hold a bunch of GraphicsObjects.
236. Especially important for creating effective interaction idioms is attention to mouse cursor feedback.
237. Production Specification: Obtaining from natural biologic gene, bringing 100 % flash and color, creating glittering lips.
238. Human beings have been creating many things according directly or indirectly to corporeity experience.
239. Fulfill the flood prediction solution of Luanhe reservoir group, creating the condition for realizing the joint control of there reservoirs.
240. This can save time for the users then they are creating new tasks from scratch (if they need to manually add projects or related request, and such).
More similar words: createcreatureincreasingbreathingincreasinglyratingoperatingfascinatingdevastatingconcentratingelectroplatingscreamgreattreatythreatincreaseddecreaseretreatentreatgreatlythreatentreatmentout of breathLatinscreeningvotinghuntingtestingsettingblotting
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