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Commonly in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+13Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: normallyordinarilyunremarkablyusuallySimilar words: in commononlyif onlyonly tooonly thatcommodityonly childaccommodateMeaning: ['kɒmənlɪ]  adv. under normal conditions. 
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121. Also, they commonly appear as subordinate elements in a sentence where the main clause indicates the speaker.
122. Last year, its statistics division found that commonly accepted estimates of gun injuries may be too high.
123. A benefice consisting of six parishes can commonly have five patrons who all have views on their incumbent.
124. The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren. Doug Larson 
124. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
125. And many pests have developed resistance to the most commonly used pesticides.
126. But it is commonly held that Mind and Matter both have existence, separately, one from the other.
127. The contracts are structured as loans or, most commonly, as a direct purchases of a certain number of installments.
128. But he also offers an attribute not commonly found in the breed: intelligence.
129. True, it has increased 25 percent in the last generation, but this is hardly the dramatic change commonly depicted.
130. Thus it is commonly held that services are economic activities whose output is not a physical product.
131. Agar gel and cellulose acetate are the more commonly used media in the routine clinical laboratory. 189.
132. The surface of the brain is totally insensitive, and operations on the brain in humans commonly involve only a local anaesthetic.
133. Temperatures high enough to melt silicates and make droplets of glass are commonly found near surface bursts.
134. The receipts and payments method is commonly employed for shorter time periods, say up to one month.
135. Probabilistic models have commonly been used to investigate the semantic associations between words.
136. How does a woman with a large inheritance commonly bestow it on a man?
137. The resulting seizures are commonly regarded as a successful experimental approximation of focal epilepsy.
138. She had no money for even a blackboard and chalk, or for the slates used commonly by village children.
139. They are most commonly found in women's graves of the sixth century accompanied by a relatively large quantity of grave-goods.
140. It was the commonly held belief then that never again would this communal beast be allowed to rear its head.
141. Teachers, parents, and students all need access to better information about colleges and careers than is commonly available.
142. In contrast to fifteen years ago, mortgages are commonly available to people over retirement age.
143. Moreover, the technology that is commonly available for large cement factories is inappropriate for most developing countries.
144. The lime juice myth was so firmly entrenched that it is still commonly believed.
145. The ponderosa is, in fact, almost as good an indicator as the commonly accepted standard.
146. Differentiated thyroid cancer occurs much more commonly in women than in men, largely in the premenopausal years.
147. It is commonly due to globally diminished cerebral blood flow, which may be caused by a variety of mechanisms.
148. Suggested doses of commonly used laxatives are given in reference 17.
149. This traveling wave of altered electrical potential is called an action potential, more commonly known as a nerve impulse.
150. But this is of little comfort, since the two are commonly inextricably intertwined.
More similar words: in commononlyif onlyonly tooonly thatcommodityonly childaccommodateonlineopenlymainlyungainlymoneycertainlyamonglemonmonthcertainly notmonkeysalmonhormoneharmonymonstermonthlymonitorcommentdiamondsmonumentceremonycommander
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