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Broiler in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2016-12-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: embroilembroiderytoilettrailerretaileradroitoilgalileo galileiMeaning: ['brɔɪlə]  n. 1. an oven or part of a stove used for broiling 2. flesh of a small young chicken not over 2 1/2 lb suitable for broiling. 
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31 Object: to optimize the Paraffin TUNEL Assayfor detecting apoptosis in Broiler Bursa.
32 Develop practical methodologies for diagnosis of ALV - J related field problems in broiler flocks.
33 Incubation and fattening of broiler were studied with Eucommia fruit meal as feed additives.
34 In the second part: The study was conducted to examine the effects of wheat-baseddiet supplemented with xylanase on the microflora in the hindgut of broiler chickens.
35 With the increase of the xylan contents in broiler diets , the true availabilities of nutrients except P decreased.
36 Studied the effect of quinocetone premix on the growth performance of the broiler chicken.
37 After she put the lamb chops in the broiler[], she sat down to open the package.
38 It was studied the effect of high phosphorus diets on tibial dyschondroplasia of broiler chickens.
39 The study provided a scientific basis for clinical prevention and cure on broiler colibacillosis.
40 The frying - pan seemed to be held , inactive , behind the beneficent bars of the broiler.
41 Study on Quick Prediction Methods for Nutrient Contents in Broiler Manure.
42 Excess salt induced PVR,( which was prevented by verapamil in broiler chickens.
43 Study on Chinese herbal medicine on the main AA broiler intestinal flora structure.
44 Study of Effects of Different Levels of Vitamin A on Bone Metabolism in AA Broiler Chicks.
45 But, because of cockerels higher speed of growth and higher use factor of feed, people also hope to obtain as many cockerels as possible in broiler production.
46 Investigation of Requirement of Metabolizable Energy for 0 - 21 Days Old Yellow Broiler Chicks.
47 In conclusion, the researchers found a large variation in the productivity of labour among the broiler farms.
48 The aim of the trial is researching the relative biological value of two methionine additives and obtaining the appropriate methionine supplemental level for broiler.
49 Study on broiler manure nutrient contents'prediction with non - wet - chemistry methods is carried out.
50 Place frittata in broiler until top is set, about 1 minute.
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