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Chrysler in a sentence

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Sentence count:114Posted:2016-08-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: crystalchronicaislesleepsleevepulchritudego to sleepclerk
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1) Using the Chrysler would be to his advantage.
2) Chrysler sold 15, 710 vehicles, up 11. 4 percent.
3) Chrysler cited excess inventories, which reflect sluggish sales.
4) Chrysler too has focused on management change to increase its competitiveness.
5) Separately, Chrysler said it is raising prices on its 1997 Jeep Wrangler by $ 705 to $ 755 a vehicle.
6) Chrysler has been benefiting from strong sales of its redesigned, industry-leading line of minivans.
7) Why is Chrysler showing off a luxury concept car like this rather than a futuristic new Jeep or minivan?
8) Is there a chance Chrysler might buy Fiat? I would think there's essentially zero chance of that happening.
9) Both Ford and Chrysler have recognized Hansen for the strong customer loyalty at his dealerships.
10) Chrysler is the only domestic automaker increasing production in the first quarter.
11) Chrysler said it was extending through Jan. 31 rebates introduced in November for 1995 models of its full-size Ram pickup.
12) Fortunately,[] Chrysler dropped the idea for such a fin at the last minute.
13) Chrysler has already suspended production at one of its main assembly plants and cut back on managerial staff.
14) And Chrysler narrowly avoided a major strike in August at its Detroit axle plant, another aging factory targeted for shutdown.
15) Trucks continued to be hot at Chrysler, which posted a 21 % sales increase in light trucks for December.
16) The Chrysler Center will relocate to Hansen Ford's current site.
17) Chrysler said it sold lots of minivans(, trucks and Jeeps without resorting to big rebates.
18) Chrysler dipped 3 / 4 to 55; the company said car sales last month fell 8 %.
19) Rival Chrysler Corp. started its own incentive program in November.
20) As a result, Chrysler expects to post an operating loss between $ 2 billion and $ 2.5 billion this year.
21) Chrysler doubles to $ 2 billion its stockbuyback plan to placate Kerkorian.
22) Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. are displaying all-aluminum cars -- an old idea -- aimed at improving fuel economy.
23) Now Walter Chrysler was an important collector with a marvellous eye who bought some wonderful things.
24) Charger sales took off after the film was released, and Chrysler became more enthusiastic about supplying cars to Warner Brothers.
25) About a year ago, according to the people familiar with the situation, Volvo held preliminary discussions with Chrysler Corp.
26) Few other company executives were in the running, not even the cigar-chomping Lee Iacocca of Chrysler.
27) That was the biggest leadership challenge of all, just as it had been at Chrysler.
28) There also are improvements to the heater / air-conditioning system, which Chrysler says make it quieter and improve air flow.
29) But when a four-day strike at the unit threatened to stall vehicle production, Chrysler agreed to abandon those efforts.
30) Ford Motor Co. is estimating production will decline 4 percent, while Chrysler Corp. plans to boost output 5 percent.
More similar words: crystalchronicaislesleepsleevepulchritudego to sleepclerksellergallerydealerkillertrailerretailertravelertoleratetoleranceaccelerate
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