Synonym: breastpin, brooch, initiate. Similar words: reproach, approach, poach, coach, proactive, broad, poached, abroad. Meaning: [brəʊtʃ] n. a decorative pin worn by women. v. bring up a topic for discussion.
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31. Various hole push knives, Broach, rectangle button pushing knives Broach.
32. The three spline broach with radius pendulum profile is developed to broach the internal surface of motorcycle clutches.
33. In this article, rectangular spline broach of the concentric form and internal diameter centering is introduced; and its design characteristics and advantages of the application are depicted.
34. She was at a loss when she lost her genuine diamond broach.
35. Have you decided exactly how you're going to broach the subject?
36. The current involute spline broach is analyzed, the grinding technology of involute spline broach with side clearance is described, the profile is designed,[ ] and profile error is analyzed.
37. Can be used to create a multi - bladed knives, such as: Drill, reamer, Taps, cutter, Broach.
38. While we're able to broach the subject of sex, money rarely gets an airing.
39. This paper introduces the design and application of CAD/CAM system of rectangle spline broach. Developing the system for enterprise and its integrated design are put forward.
40. But the subject of weight and diet is often difficult to broach.
More similar words: reproach, approach, poach, coach, proactive, broad, poached, abroad, poaching, broadly, retroactively, broadcast, live broadcast, at home and abroad, road, roast, groan, throat, inroad, brown, on the road, broke, brother, brook, take into account, railroad, brooch, bronze, browse, broken.