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Matrimonial in a sentence

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Sentence count:44+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: matrimonypatrimonyacrimoniousceremonialtrichomoniasisacrimonycolonialparsimoniousMeaning: [‚mætrɪ'məʊnɪəl]  adj. of or relating to the state of marriage. 
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1. Matrimonial vows are to show the faithfulness of the new couple.
2. It took ten cars to bear the matrimonial guests away.
3. Since each matrimonial property or custody dispute is to be decided according to judicial discretion the result is that litigation abounds.
4. Splitting such obvious assets as the matrimonial home may be strewn with problems, but what about an accrued pension fund?
5. Or would that too do damage to future matrimonial prospects?
6. The Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act of 1984 had a startling impact on the state of new but troubled marriages.
7. The matrimonial price tag varies by gender and age.
8. They took up the matrimonial matter again.
9. Many matrimonial companies are very thoughtful, providing package services.
10. When Harriet Newman Cohen began practicing matrimonial law three decades ago, her clients were mostly women whose breadwinners had walked out.
11. Her matrimonial location may sound more modern than one would expect for a 1614 marriage between a 19-year-old daughter of an American Indian chief and her tobacco farmer husband.
12. For years he had been steadily modifying his matrimonial devotion , and found her company dull.
13. The couples property form regulated by the present Matrimonial Property Regimes is mostly about the corporeal property, while the intangible property is neglected.
14. Matrimonial property is to require property relations between the spouses the legal system.
15. Nor does its own history of matrimonial excess bring a blush to its cheek.
16. With no lands of his own, he was no great matrimonial prize.
17. If a present-day Darwin were to agonize over his matrimonial fate in what ways might it differ from the example above?
18. She and Carolan had no children, but that was neither here nor there as an indication of matrimonial harmony nowadays.
19. When the marriage broke down the husband asked the wife to leave the matrimonial home.
20. Adultery was the sole ground, but a wife could only divorce her husband if accompanied by some other matrimonial transgression.
21. Their only assets were their half shares of the beneficial interests in their matrimonial homes.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. In November 1558 they appeared to offer even more, when parliament agreed that the dauphin should be given the crown matrimonial.
23. Thirteen years of Tory misrule have left the Right's matrimonial affairs looking about as secure as a drunk on a unicycle.
24. The husband's advisers will also have regard to the advantages of severance whilst matrimonial proceedings are pending.
25. Dewar never remarried, and spent the rest of his life in the former matrimonial home in Glasgow.
26. His wife on hearing of this is displeased, so to maintain matrimonial harmony, he sends a telex cancelling his order.
27. The sixth part introduces the principles of strengthening the statutory matrimonial property system.
28. Now are up - to - date regulation, Chinese matrimonial age?
29. Linda Lea Viken, a divorce attorney in Rapid City, S.D., and president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, says it's important for each party to understand the other's motivation.
30. With the development of the social culture and economy, matrimonial property system makes remarkable progress continuously.
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