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Armchair in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+25Posted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chairchairmanwheelchairhairhaircutchainchain storecharmMeaning: n. chair with a support on each side for arms. 
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31. Dad was snoozing in his armchair.
32. He sat listlessly in the armchair.
33. Exhausted , I plopped into the armchair.
34. I sank into an armchair.
35. He was lying sprawled in an armchair, watching TV.
36. He eased himself into the big armchair.
37. He slept, huddled in an armchair.
38. Phil eased himself into an armchair.
39. I sank down into a voluminous armchair.
40. That armchair is comfortable but not very esthetic.
41. She sprawled untidily in an armchair.
42. He gave her a hard push which toppled her backwards into an armchair.
43. When I got home from the airport, I flaked out in the nearest armchair.
44. I was so tired when I got home that all I wanted to do was sink into bed/an armchair/a hot bath.
45. The armchair blends well with the colour of the carpet.
46. The word " armchair " has connotations of comfort and relaxation.
47. He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.
48. The boy curled himself up in the big soft armchair with a book.
49. I slumped down in my usual armchair and felt around for the newspaper.
50. She led him to an armchair, with her arm round his shoulder.
51. She sat in an armchair by the fire, reading a newspaper.
52. He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair, a cup of tea in his hand.
53. I helped her into the room and sat her down in an armchair.
54. One man sat in an armchair, and the other sat on the front of the desk.
54. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
55. Sitting in an armchair in front of the fire, I soon fell into a doze.
56. She settled down in an armchair to read her book.
57. His travel books have given pleasure to generations of armchair travellers.
58. I've spilt some coffee on the seat of the armchair.
59. She was sitting in her favourite armchair with her legs crossed.
60. I saw him sitting back in the armchair, drinking his beer.
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