Synonym: cultivable, cultivatable, tillable. Similar words: parable, bearable, comparable, inseparable, irreparably, honorable, incurable, adorable. Meaning: ['ærəbl] adj. (of farmland) capable of being farmed productively.
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(31) In the arable fields the same crops were grown throughout a field and the task of harvesting was undertaken communally.
(32) It lies happily stranded across arable fields, beside deep woods on the edge of Badminton Park.
(33) But these are thin soils with an uncertain water supply; not naturally the best land for arable cash crops or cattle.
(34) Arable land on some islands in the Palau archipelago has been contaminated by sea water, forcing their inhabitants to import food.
(35) Both meadow and arable land was allocated in this way.
(36) But arable farmers, particularly in East Anglia, have a lot to be positive about.
(37) This use of a pole to measure arable land is very ancient.
(38) Modern farming methods, particularly in arable crop fields, were thought to be responsible for the declines.
(39) In consequence, enclosure of arable was now creating more social problems than it could solve.
(40) However arable farmers have fewer restraints on when they can inject.
(41) It was no accident that a good many towns were sited on the borderline between arable farming and pastoral regions.
(42) This ignored the fact that many had been created out of poor arable land or even poorer scrub.
(43) Enclosure Only half the arable land was still open fields in 1700.
(44) Most of the arable ground is used to produce winter feed for the stock.
(45) Wood Walton stands an oasis, surrounded by sunken arable land.
(45) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(46) The path turned inland and met the road to Sandweg which cut through arable land, punctuated by low, brooding barns.
(47) Almost at once a rapid shrinkage of the arable area began.
(48) This type of arable cropping could contribute greatly to the income of smaller units.
(49) Farmers may even switch their pattern of production in order to minimize the risks - from arable to intensive livestock farming, for example.
(50) Greater agricultural mechanisation has led to considerable modification of this landscape and larger arable fields now occur in the area.
(51) In the best cereal-growing areas, arable farming may dominate the scene, with animals and grass taking second place.
(52) Perhaps, by not giving us extra cash, Nick Brown has done arable farmers a favour.
(53) Within the arable area the greatest changes have been the increase of cereals and the decline of the one-year clover ley.
(54) Adrian Denham says the soil on his Warwickshire arable farm doesn't vary from one end of the field to the other.
(55) Altogether cereals account for 54 percent. of the total arable area.
(56) I avoid fields used for livestock[], sticking to the arable field edges and woods.
(57) But cold weather and a scarcity of food on arable land usually brings numbers down with the onset of winter.
(58) The largest farms have over 2000 acres of hill land and about 200 acres of arable ground.
(59) Local drainage authorities have continued to lower water levels for intensive arable and cattle farming despite warnings from environmentalists.
(60) The conversion of the former arable fields to small enclosed fields of pasture had therefore two visible effects on the landscape.
More similar words: parable, bearable, comparable, inseparable, irreparably, honorable, incurable, adorable, miserable, desirable, memorable, endurable, admirable, venerable, tolerable, favorable, favourable, vulnerable, inexorable, deplorable, preferable, unfavorable, unfavourable, unalterable, undesirable, innumerable, unutterable, considerable, transferable, insufferable.