Synonym: attracter, attraction, attractive feature, attractor. Similar words: magnetic, magnitude, magna carta, foreigner, designer, image, willingness, diagnose. Meaning: ['mægnɪt] n. 1. (physics) a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field 2. a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts.
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(1) Iron is attracted to a magnet.
(2) Polarity is inherent in a magnet.
(3) He picked all the pins up with a magnet.
(4) A magnet attracts iron and steel.
(5) The region has become a magnet for small businesses.
(6) This disco is a magnet for young people.
(7) Beijing is a magnet for tourists.
(8) A magnet attracts steel.
(9) The scent of flowers acts as a magnet to bees.
(10) You can magnetize a needle by rubbing it with a magnet.
(11) She drew men to her like a magnet.
(12) A magnet separates out scrap iron from the rubbish.
(13) Open wounds act like a magnet to flies.
(14) The place is a magnet for tourists.
(15) The actress was the magnet that drew great audiences.
(16) Certain metals are attracted to a magnet.
(17) Buckingham Palace is a great magnet for tourists.
(18) The rabbits in our backyard were a magnet that attracted all the children in the neighbourhood.
(19) In the 1980s the area became a magnet for new investment.
(20) A magnet has polarity.
(21) The United States has always acted as a magnet for people seeking fame and fortune.
(22) Prospect Park, with its vast lake[], is a magnet for all health freaks.
(23) Magnet and Southern,( duvet covers.
(24) The swimfeeder acts like a magnet.
(25) The pistol acts like a magnet to your hand.
(26) Ever notice what a visual magnet a mirror is?
(27) Some of these things stick to a magnet.
(28) Even now it is the magnet that draws the rural peasants and small businessmen looking for work and casual labour.
(29) The man who attracts luck carries with him the magnet of preparation.
(30) Somehow sensing this connection, clerics have been drawn as if by a magnet to the rails.
More similar words: magnetic, magnitude, magna carta, foreigner, designer, image, willingness, diagnose, damage, homage, diagnoses, diagnosis, imagery, ninety, network, planet, magazine, cabinet, genetic, at one time, Internet, nonetheless, planetarium.