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Angular in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+1Posted:2017-04-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: triangularsingularsingularlyregularjugularregularlyirregularregularityMeaning: ['æŋgjʊlə]  adj. 1. measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle 2. having angles or an angular shape. 
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211. A pneumatic rotary actuator angular position servo system is studied, which adopts 3-port proportional flow valve as a control device.
212. In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in abundance the alike way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation.
213. In engineering, angular velocities are commonly expressed in revolutions per minute.
214. This textual is a theoretical analysis of force on the angular ogee milling the flat surface in injection molds.
215. Experimental tests were carried out to measure the angular distortion and the distributions of residual stresses in welded joints.
216. The twin tandem, a four-row angular contact ball bearing, replaces conventional tapered roller bearings in wheel bearings and contributes significantly to saving fuel.
217. In the case of the small angular displacement, the natural frequency of the corresponding undamped linear system is obtained, which is consistent with the experimental observation.
218. Angular glint is a characteristic of Complex target, which can reflect the target structure. Researching of target angular glint can help suppressing it and classifying target.
219. The angular displacement of reflecting surface is measured in accordance with the direction change of Moire fringes caused by the inclination of grating. self-imaging plane.
220. Therefore there is a total angular momentum which is the vectorial sum of the two.
221. Also double-row angular contact ball bearings are used as slewing bearings.
222. Some aspects about electron imaging, such as the calibration of electron velocity and the calculation of angular and kinetic energy distribution are also discussed.
223. The experience formulae to predict the transverse deformation and the longitudinal deformation and the angular distortion of thick plates butt-welding are induced through the test results.
224. A method that measuring angular displacement error, identifying parameters of error model and compensating error automatically was put forward based on inductosyn angular measuring system.
225. This article reviews the physics of angular momentum transfer and loss in optical pumping and spin-exchanging collisions.
226. The simulation results showed that the new algorithm had good potential in target discrimination and angular tracking accuracy.
227. Now we may discuss the effects of angular orientation upon physical laws.
228. A new measuring principle which can increase the accuracy of the angular indexing measuring system is presented.
229. Based on nonlinear relationship of the axial load and displacement of angular contact ball bearing, the experiments to load on coupled bearings are done.
230. FEM results reveal that angular displacement by power function can be used to describe friction constraint on side faces, and zone of no ideal HPT tend to stable when exponent is not less than 8.
231. Those complicated Doppler shifts are where the angular resolution comes from.
232. A non-contact calibration method for angular displacement sensor of aileron, flap, rudder and elevator for vehicle based on computer monocular vision is proposed.
233. Matthews calculated the angular distance between the 100 brightest stars in the sky and turned them into 1 million pairs of random numbers, around 61 per cent of which had no common factors.
234. Keywords: micro - gyroscope , silicon single crystal, three - axis angular - rate sensing, natural frequency and mode shapes.
235. The deflective angular of the revolver is worked out by two-path alternating signals and one-path fiducially signal, which are the outputs of the revolver.
236. This paper introduces a method that we can apply it to draw angular perspective without view points, and it demonstrates this method according to the geometric principles.
237. Through air-floating platform simulating momentum conservation system, a method of coupling testing angular momentum based on the combination of moment of inertia and angular velocity is presented.
238. The angular deviation, as observed from the sun, of a planet from its perihelion.
239. Such sandstones should have similar angular relations to the strike valleys.
240. The purpose of equal channel angular pressing ( ECAP ) is to obtain ultra - fine grained ( UFG ) materials .
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