Similar words: triangular, singular, singularly, regular, jugular, regularly, irregular, regularity. Meaning: ['æŋgjʊlə] adj. 1. measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle 2. having angles or an angular shape.
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1. He has a more angular figure than his father.
2. He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones.
3. Her features were too angular, her face a little too long for beauty.
4. Her glance seared his hard, angular face.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Musical jades were angular in form, resembling carpenters' squares.
6. Focusing resentfully on the dark, angular face, her heart had flipped over suddenly in her chest.
7. Try to avoid angular prints on a pelmet with a highly curved edge, as the designs could conflict.
8. That of Cornelius was its usual angular self topped off with a twirling banner.
9. The resulting system could have a huge angular momentum with a very well-defined direction.
10. She watched his black, angular figure move at a sedate, clerical pace, across the grass.
11. A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
12. The three competing shipbuilding teams have opted for angular, low profiles without the jutting antennas and masts familiar to most vessels.
13. In section 6.5.1 the principle of conservation of angular momentum was outlined.
14. How did the planets pick up the necessary angular momentum, and why do the planets have different chemical compositions?
15. The larger the angular momentum J of the star, the smaller the radius of the horizon becomes.
16. The Lift's wide, so the angular velocity is higher on the outside.
17. He was tall and lean in the angular, graceless mountaineer style.
18. Occasionally, character steps out of the angular interlocking patterns to hold a bowl or pour from a jug.
19. The folds of cloth and angular faces jutted out in plaster relief.
20. Similar effects operate for d orbitals, but not for s orbitals, which have no orbital angular momentum.
21. Standard 42, one of the new cars fitted with an old Motherwell top deck, giving a strange angular appearance.
22. Other factors also come into account such as the angular momentum of the two bodies.
23. The situation is similar with any other classically measurable property of a system, not just angular momentum.
24. How is it, then, that the correspondence with the angular momentum of classical physics is to be made?
25. Entering St Petersburg Conservatory at 13, he shocked his professors with his angular harmonies, jagged rhythms and plangent colours.
26. The match excited him, because Mayer never missed an angular distance by more than 1. 5 minutes of arc.
27. Both equations are valid for molecules smaller than when the angular scattering is symmetrical.
28. An individual finishing touch can come from your choice of shaped hemline, which could be angular, castellated or scalloped.
29. There had been no expression of undying love on the angular face she had come to love.
30. When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.
More similar words: triangular, singular, singularly, regular, jugular, regularly, irregular, regularity, at regular intervals, engulf, engulfed, regulate, coagulate, regulator, hang up, deregulate, regulatory, regulation, languor, anguish, languid, languish, vanguard, harangue, language, sanguine, deregulation, languidly, languishing, consanguinity.