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Ambition in a sentence

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Sentence count:290+18Posted:2016-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ambitiousnessaspirationdreamSimilar words: ambitiousexhibitionprohibitioncombinationeditionpositionadditiontraditionMeaning: [æm'bɪʃn]  n. 1. a cherished desire 2. a strong drive for success. v. have as one's ambition. 
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151. Unfortunately, his skills and ambition have not yielded any meaningful understanding of the region.
152. If that happens, it will be Miller's ambition which has driven Hibs to another big occasion.
153. A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive. Pearl Bailey 
154. The 15 Democrats left behind accused Saunders and his four Democratic supporters of putting personal ambition before principle.
155. His greatest ambition was to be Chancellor of the Exchequer.
156. Gould's time was too precious and his ambition too overriding to allow him a thought for artistic temperament.
157. Richard Baxter's ambition of going to university was never fulfilled.
158. Gratitude looks to the Past and love to the Present; fear, avarice, lust(, and ambition look ahead. C.S. Lewis 
159. His ambition to read law at Oxford, however, was never fulfilled.
160. In contrast, the engineer's ambition is to control, to organise, to plan and to eliminate risks.
161. Earlier this year, he achieved his ambition of competing in the Olympic games.
162. The siege had shown that, with artillery, Henry V had the capability of fulfilling his military ambition.
163. He appears stiff, robotic, insincere even when he is not, and paradoxically unable to mask his ambition.
164. In it he details his childhood dream of climbing Everest - and his fulfilment of this remarkable ambition three years ago.
165. Pitted against it were the great princes, some with ambition to achieve political and legal independence of the crown.
166. So do not be disappointed if you fail to receive a windfall or secure your greatest ambition.
167. Would she herself end up like that, if she achieved her ambition of becoming the managing editor of a magazine?
168. If something is carried on then it is flogging a dead horse or blind ambition.
169. He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
170. He offered his services to the Edinburgh Missionary Society as an overseas candidate, thus fulfilling a youthful ambition.
171. Such seriousness and ambition in a very young man set him apart.
172. Embraer had long adopted policies of aiming for international competitiveness; the domestic market was too small to support its ambition.
173. This last ambition may not be as absurd as it looks.
174. Ivan Lendl will not achieve his last great ambition - to be Wimbledon Singles Champion. 8.
175. By contrast with the Treaty of Rome, the Stockholm Convention was quite modest, in both length and ambition.
176. Thus, with each page, she becomes increasingly unattractive and vainglorious - brains and spirit corrupted by driving ambition.
177. He had married a woman with burning social ambition, twenty years his junior.
178. Superbly organized and, with the backing of Marlboro, have the funds to match their ambition.
179. He lacked many of the plainer necessities of life, and of ambition he was totally innocent.
180. A professional career as such seemed out of the question; his only ambition in life was to be an artist.
More similar words: ambitiousexhibitionprohibitioncombinationeditionpositionadditiontraditioncoalitionmunitionsconditionadditionallitigationin additiontransitioncompetitionconditionsdefinitionexpeditioncompositionmitigationoppositiontraditionalpractitionerrecognitionacquisitionin addition totraditionallypredispositionunconditionally
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