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Adding in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+17Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: add insheddingweddingproddingaddictaddictedadditionaddictive
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181. It therefore had to change tack, further adding to confusion in governmental policy-making.
182. What happens when you decrease the amount of salt by adding more fresh water?
183. For a fiveor six-year-old, adding will usually involve piling up beans, buttons, or nuts.
184. Feed the sitting tenants to act as a diversion when adding new fish to an aquarium. 3.
185. Reaching for her favourite Givenchy perfume, she liberally sprayed the pulse spots, adding a dash at her elbows and knees.
186. I started pickling everything I could think of, started adding cardamom and turmeric to mangoes and pineapples and pears.
187. E-commerce hasn't significantly altered consumer behavior, experts say, adding that the death of malls was exaggerated.
188. Adding depreciation accounting to the existing system has, in the past, not been affordable.
189. Barker refused to answer more questions, adding that he had already said too much.
190. Stalin immediately endorsed the proposal, adding that Indochinese independence might follow in two or three decades.
191. Increasing demand for container port services in Hong Kong is adding some urgency to the need for expansion.
192. A fire truck or an ambulance whoops somewhere beyond the window, adding cruelly to my unease.
193. Some success has been reported in algae control by adding a very dilute copper sulphate or copper citrate solution to the water.
194. This means adding just a little expanded memory produces a large percentage increase in the amount of memory available for data storage.
195. Adding to physiological disturbances is the psychological distress that is invariably involved.
196. Cool the chicken, dice and set aside. Add potatoes to the broth,[] adding water to cover.
197. It is also found pressed into clarified butter atop p t s and terrines, adding flavour and decorative value.
198. Outdated computer systems and the failure to help judges to implement the reforms were adding to the chaos.
199. The probability of going from A to B is found by adding up the waves for all the paths.
200. Schemes Since that time, more than £1.51m has been spent on crime-fighting schemes, with running costs adding a further £100,000-a-year.
201. The bottom five notes or so of the violins can be enriched by adding a bassoon or two in unison.
202. He spent the rest of his life adding to his materia medica and developing his ideas about disease and its treatment.
203. So what finally made network executives realize they could profit by adding more skating to their traditional sports lineups?
204. New Fabric Backgrounds Colorama Photodisplay have extended their range of backgrounds by adding three new fabric materials to their product range.
205. All authorities agreed that adding the substance to water was the best way to limit the daily dosage.
206. Your server tends to the cooking, adding cloves of garlic and green onions, until the meat is perfectly tender.
207. He cracked some eggs into a saucepan, adding milk and butter.
208. Watt, Millard and Gray scored the other tries with Dods adding two conversions and one penalty.
209. Add the ginger, coriander and cumin and cook for a further 5 minutes, adding a little water if necessary.
210. By adding base metals, the leaders debased the currency, hurting its value, and fueling inflation.
More similar words: add insheddingweddingproddingaddictaddictedadditionaddictivein additionadditionalin addition todingyladingdiningendinglandingcedinghidingfadingfindingfundingreadingleadingevadingpendingtradinglendingabidingscaldingspeeding
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