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Active in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+29Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: animateddynamicenergeticlivelyspiritedvivaciousworkingAntonym: dormantinactivepassiveSimilar words: activelyattractiveactive transportactivistactivitydetectiveobjectiveperspectiveMeaning: ['æktɪv]  n. 1. chemical agent capable of activity 2. the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb 3. a person devoted to the active life. adj. 1. tending to become more severe or wider in scope 2. engaged in or ready for military or naval operations 3. disposed to take action or effectuate change 4. taking part in an activity 5. characterized by energetic activity 6. exerting influence or producing a change or effect 7. full of activity or engaged in continuous activity 8. in operation 9. of the sun; characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions 10. expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions" 11. expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water') 12. (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting 13. (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt 14. engaged in full-time work. 
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121. When you get to seventy,you are not so active as you were at fifty.
122. Despite these disadvantages, many older people maintain an active social life.
123. Mr. Jack was once active in the church, but he has backslidden.
124. Such a cheerful and active member will inject new life into the club.
125. Having an active youngster about the house can be quite wearing.
126. The paradox about time is that it seems to go faster as we become older and less active.
127. The stock market moved ahead slightly in active trading today.
128. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.
129. The volcano became active last year with a series of eruptions.
130. Most of the economically active population is employed in the primary industries.
131. A very active cold front brought dramatic weather changes to Kansas on Wednesday.
132. In the sentence 'She cleaned the car' the verb is in the active.
133. At 84 he's still quite active[], although he walks with the aid of a stick.
134. He was to remain active in the association, latterly as vice president, for the rest of his life.
135. The birds were active, whirring and fluttering among the trees.
136. 'Catrin told me' is an active sentence, and 'I was told by Catrin' is passive.
137. It's good for old people to stay active if they can.
138. His pulse is low, but his heart is still active.
139. The disease is a threat to anyone who is sexually active.
140. At college I took an active part in student politics.
141. Richardson took an active interest in women writers.
142. All patients had endoscopically active disease of various degrees.
143. They retired from active duty early in 1942.
144. Robyn took an active part in student politics.
145. She has denied any active involvement.
146. Her body accepted the organ with hardly a problem and she resumed her active life.
147. Convinced that the general public had an unsatisfied thirst for knowledge[ ], he took an active part in several educational activities.
148. Many women who heard her speech got tested for the virus and became active in promoting awareness about the disease.
149. Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
150. Although Fenton was active in research he made no great discoveries.
More similar words: activelyattractiveactive transportactivistactivitydetectiveobjectiveperspectivedistinctiveprotectiveproductivecollectiveeffectivelyrespectivelyeffectivenessirrespective oftacticactionmotivenativefractionpracticereactionrelativeincentivepracticalsensitivesupportiveexecutivenarrative
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