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Christianity in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+8Posted:2017-01-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Christmasprofanityeristiccharacteristicdevice characteristicpulchritudeinitialinitiallyMeaning: [‚krɪstɪ'ænətɪ]  n. 1. a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior 2. the collective body of Christians throughout the world and history (found predominantly in Europe and the Americas and Australia). 
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121. Twentieth century British author, C. S. Lewis, said it well: "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
122. Lamptey attempted to reconcile with them and he acceded to his father's dying wish to reconvert to Christianity, but he was pained at the funerals when he 'had to bury them both alone'.
123. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew's Monastery in Rome, to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity.
124. It is the birthplace of four world religions--Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism--and one of the early homes of Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam.
125. St. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian , tried to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy of natural law with Christianity.
126. In the Middle Ages, Christianity emphasized on abstinency, but bore with prostitute,[] and treated prostitution as a necessary evil.
127. Here Mark gives a little parenthetical comment he says, "By saying this,Jesus declared all foods clean." In other words, Mark does a good little Gentile Christianity move.
128. In fact,what I'm going to be talking about is three or four stages in the development of Johannine Christianity as one branch of early Christian literature.
129. While they promulgating the Christianity , English was also publicized in China.
130. There was a pre-Christian sect called "the Essenes" that was influential in the moulding of Christianity, and it behooves us to look at them briefly.
131. The Christian church taught the knight should observe Christianity the discipline.
132. Esoteric Christianity doesn't typically support the theory of the Demiurge. It believes that creation is inherently good, and as such so is the Creator.
133. A typical Jewish male that despised biblical Christianity UNTIL he met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus.
134. Such unchristian abuse is commonly experienced by those who are perceived as enemies of Christianity.
135. He is considered a prophet in Judaism, Christianity,[] and Islam.
136. There, the fastest growing forms of Christianity are pentecostal, and they are spreading among the poor.
137. I have long been interested in christianity and Biblical criticism.
138. Christianity soon disappeared, except among the Celts of Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St.
139. With regard to the former, natural-law theories from Grotius to Locke had been emphasizing that Christianity could safeguard moral foundation.
140. I had no intention of either glorifying or belittling Christianity, merely the desire to understand it.
141. He is the great doubter who gives voice to many of the arguments that Christianity has provoked from within and without.
142. Belief and deed are two important concepts in Judaism and Christianity.
143. Accordingly the world which Christianity emerged was partly Semitic and Jewish, partly Roman, and partly Hellenistic.
144. The reasons that Rose introduced Christianity Byzantium as the state religion mainly have three respects.
145. The century of disasters (A. D. 378-476) that befell the western Roman Empire occurred after she had adopted Christianity.
146. Through this essay, we can find out that the relationship between Petrarch and the Christianity involved different aspects of Petrarch's life.
147. Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving "the white man's Christianity" upon Asians is no longer advisable.
148. Hong Xiuquan ( 1814 - 1864 ) was not only the successor of Christianity and Confucianism, but also the betrayer.
149. With its inclination toward the secular affairs, Christianity developed an elaborate theory of theocracy.
150. The Acts of the Apostles relates the earliest history of Christianity.
More similar words: Christmasprofanityeristiccharacteristicdevice characteristicpulchritudeinitialinitiallyinitiateinitiativeconfucianismunitypenitentiarywristtrinityhistoriancelestialtouristtotalitarianismserenitycommunityimmunityaffinityimpunitybristlebristlytheoristanimositysolemnitypaternity
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