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Christianity in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+8Posted:2017-01-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Christmasprofanityeristiccharacteristicdevice characteristicpulchritudeinitialinitiallyMeaning: [‚krɪstɪ'ænətɪ]  n. 1. a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior 2. the collective body of Christians throughout the world and history (found predominantly in Europe and the Americas and Australia). 
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151. The exchange never took place. Pocahontas was taken to the settlement at Henrico where she learned English, converted to Christianity, was baptized and christened Rebecca.
152. Are human beings, whether they belong to Christianity or Muhammadanism or Buddhism, really following their leaders?
153. Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity in this and common prosperity, becoming a distinctive feature of Yangzhou.
154. The heaven in this poem is so far from being the incorporeal - the spiritual heaven of orthodox Christianity that you have an image of an actual orgy, the festal orgy raging under the thyrsus .
155. Many of the missionaries who tried to bring Christianity to China before the communists took over where presbyterians, and other sorts of Calvinist.
156. Augustine of Hippo was the most influential theologian of Latin Christianity.
156. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
157. ECLECTICISM : Nor can we find any willingness to make common cause with false religiosity as long as Christianity is accepted as one among many legitimate viewpoints.
158. With the spreading of Christianity, the iconoclasm gradually infiltrated into icons worship, boundary between the two became blurred and it was difficult to determined the nature of icons worship.
159. She converted from Christianity in order to marry a Muslin.
160. This author is not eschatological.He doesn't think Christianity, he doesn't think Jesus' teaching are about the future at all, they're about now,they're about the present.
161. Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, and Wiccan (among others) teach the importance of setting aside a period of time for rest.
162. And in general all churchgoing Latinos tend to see themselves as renewing Christianity in America.
163. Faiths will include Baha'ism, Christianity, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism and Sikhism.
164. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and a core aspect of various religious traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sikhism , Hinduism, and many others.
165. This article tried to reconstruct the contour of the reaction between modern Christianity in China and the rural society of South-Eastern China, based on the case study of Fujian Methodist Church.
166. As a tradition, Christianity is more than a system of religious belief.
167. He has also been invited multiple times to represent Christianity at Tri- loge forum at UCF among Judaism and Islam faith.
168. Francis of Assisi as a "hippie" and as more favorable to Eastern Mohammedanism than Western Christianity.
169. Nietzsche criticizes Platonism and Christianity by changing Schopenhauer swill to live into will to power.
170. At present, the spread of Christianity in Xinjiang is in a unordered pervasion and rapid development.
171. For Christianity, however, it is between the limits of human beings and that of tensility from the power of God.
172. It was only with the rise of Christianity , however, that Gnostic syncretism came to full expression.
173. The preacher succeeded in converting a number of people to Christianity.
174. Nestorianism , the heretic sect of the Christianity, having been persecuted in the Byzantine Empire, was spread into Persia and the Central Asia, and further into China.
175. The steps were brought to Rome in the first centuries of Christianity and are 7) reverenced still by millions of people every year, who pass up them on their knees, deep in 8)penitential prayer.
176. Neo- Platonism ; Revival of Plato's concept of reality of "ideas" and his concentration on the "last days" affected Christianity.
177. But despite his newfound Christianity, it was not an easy transition.
178. The Church of Christ, Scientist is an organization founded by Mary Baker Eddy in an effort to reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.
179. Byzantine Christianity had absorbed the hierarchical view of the universe propounded by late Greek philosophy.
180. But Ignatius also is one of the earliest people we have in Christianity who claims great authority also for himself as bishop.
More similar words: Christmasprofanityeristiccharacteristicdevice characteristicpulchritudeinitialinitiallyinitiateinitiativeconfucianismunitypenitentiarywristtrinityhistoriancelestialtouristtotalitarianismserenitycommunityimmunityaffinityimpunitybristlebristlytheoristanimositysolemnitypaternity
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