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31. Alice is allergic to the fur of cats.
32. Alice worked on the farm as a lass.
33. Alice landed badly, jarring her ankle.
34. Alice, you are a jewel.
35. Susan is different from / than / to Alice.
36. Well, speak of the devil-here's Alice now!
37. The question stopped Alice in her tracks.
38. Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass.
39. Alice carried a map of the London Underground in her head.
40. Alice was standing in the street, seemingly oblivious to the rain.
41. Alice is always wanting to get in on the act.
42. Alice squealed with sheer delight when she saw the monkeys.
43. Alice submerged herself in work to try and forget about Tom.
44. After getting a large inheritance, Bob and Alice lived it up for years.
45. It seemed that Alice was expiating her father's sins with her charity work.
46. Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room.
47. I've finished with Alice after the way she's treated me.
48. Alice had been so deep in thought that she had walked past her car without even seeing it.
49. It was very nice for Alice to have friends of her own age.
50. We can even up on Bill and Alice by looking after their children next week.
51. Alice leapt to one side with a cry of alarm.
52. If you're looking for a photograph of Alice you'll find several in here.
53. I had felt drawn to Alice ever since our first meeting.
54. Alice looked rather offended.
55. Alice is shy and quiet at parties, but her sister really sparkles! Sentencedict.com
56. What will happen to the children if Peter and Alice break up?
57. Grandma cozied Alice tenderly.
58. He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room.
59. If you're looking for a photo of Alice you'll find several in here.
60. I'm glad that Alice has finished with that worthless young man.