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Visually in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+6Posted:2017-01-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: visualvisualizeusuallycasualunusualas usualcasualtyannuallyMeaning: adv. with respect to vision. 
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151. Research tells us buddy cops live in visually distinctive places.
152. They are visually very similar to modal dialog boxes, but they are functionally very different.
153. In his treatise on directing, Mamet emphasizes the idea that the director must, above all else, think visually.
154. We show that recognizing emotions from visually presented facial expressions requires right somatosensory - related cortices.
155. Shadows work pretty well(sentencedict .com), but all those grids and shadows can get in the way visually.
156. Now, what RUP needs is a simple, elegant way to visually express both the macro and micro dimensions of iterations in a manner that first-time viewers will immediately grasp.
157. Why we like him: For They Don't Make This Anymore, a visually cacophonous installation at Baltic in Gateshead inspired by the world of surveillance.
158. Upon arrival to the spa, guests are visually engaged with a centuries-old Irish pattern, cut out from paper-thin bronze sheets suspended from the ceiling.
159. The smoke from the incensory alone was not psychedelic enough to produce chemical refraction visually and aurally. The rising water air mixture in the forests also contributed a lot.
160. The bench can simulate visually the dynamic braking procedure with motion inertia, gather the sensors signals and analyze the braking parameters, and evaluate objectively the performances of ABS.
161. Remember to use the knowledge gained from reading the guest to point out features that might provide a benefit; instead allure and entice them with visually and emotionally descriptive language.
162. Glazed walls framed in teakwood have been introduced to let in natural light and to visually connect the guests to the surrounding landscape.
163. Visually and manually inspect all fixed gear before using it, including bolts and anchors, and especially those at stations and cruxes where the carabiners see maximum wear.
164. Severely visually challenged people in Australia may soon have some sight. It's all thanks to a bionic eye which promises to help them sense large objects by increasing their peripheral vision.
165. There are 1.7 million blind and visually impaired people in Britain.
More similar words: visualvisualizeusuallycasualunusualas usualcasualtyannuallysexuallyactuallygraduallyvirtuallyeventuallyintellectuallycruel and unusual punishmentvis-a-visleisureleisurelysuavemisunderstoodpersuadeassuagesuavitymisunderstandingpersuasiveravishdeviseadvisevisibleviscous
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