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Vase in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+36Posted:2017-02-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vastcanvasvassalevasiveevasioncrevassepervasivepervasionMeaning: [veɪs /vɑːz]  n. an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers. 
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151) Philip stood on the vase, trying not to crush the flowers that were in it.
152) A quite awful vase in one corner, full of dried pampas grass.
153) She began to arrange them in a vase while I poured myself a large whisky.
154) On the antique round marble table by the window was a vase of fresh yellow chrysanthemums giving the room life and warmth.
155) The only embellishment was a small bunch of fresh flowers placed in a vase at her feet.
156) Then she produced a large green glass vase, which she attached to the closed orifice of the net.
157) The exact spot on the bridge table the gold vase belonged.
158) The vase fell to pieces as soon as it hit the floor.
159) The same sum secured a 15-inch De Morgan Persian-style vase in the recent sale.
160) A pink carnation smirked at her from a transparent vase on the table.
161) "Look,'' she said, pointing at a vase in a shop window.
162) A white plaster trumpet vase joins the white plaster face chair on set.
163) The vase is a piece of modern art done in a classical Chinese style.
164) One could balance a crystal vase on his shoulders and know that it would never fall.
165) On the table in front of the sofa was a vase holding four pink roses, the blooms in various stages of uncurled perfection.
166) The vase broke into several pieces, but I was able to stick them all back together.
167) How many plants were needed to furnish the buds for the exhibition vase?
168) I pick flowers so that they look pretty in a bunch and just jam them into a vase.
169) No flower is happy in a vase, because vase is nothing but an ornate coffin for the flower. Mehmet Murat ildan 
170) How was it that she went sailing, like a human version of their brass vase, out the bedroom window?
171) There were always freshly cut flowers in a blue vase on the table.
172) In the gift shop, a signature plastic vase by Gaetano Pesce had been placed on the floor inside the door.
173) The insurance men quite often have claims like that: a damaged television, injured by a flying flower vase!
174) Inside on the window sill there are flowers in a vase.
175) We noticed that some graves in the eighth century had a plain stone beside the big Geometric vase.
176) A tree is shown in the Niobid picture, trees and small plants in the vase illustrated in figs. 109 and 116.
177) There were anemones in a bud vase on the table.
177) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
178) A vase of white lilies stands on the table; the decanter is a silvered jug of water only.
179) The vase towers bring beauty to the ugliest place, and have altered human perceptions of what is sublime.
180) Mum will be cross when she finds out about the broken vase.
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