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Uppermost in a sentence

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Sentence count:93+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: lowermostSimilar words: innermostuppermostmostlyutmostat mostalmosthindmostMeaning: adj. at or nearest to the top. adv. 1. in or into the most prominent position, as in the mind 2. in or into the highest position. 
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1. The office block's uppermost floors were engulfed with flames.
2. After hiking all day we finally reached the uppermost part of the mountain.
3. John was on the uppermost floor of the three-storey gatehouse.
4. A feeling of pity for David was uppermost in her mind.
5. Defence is no longer uppermost in their priorities.
6. The economy appears to be uppermost in people's minds.
7. What's uppermost in your mind just before a race?
8. The rain spattered on the uppermost leaves.
9. She turned her hand over, palm uppermost.
10. Uppermost in his mind is the need for safety.
11. Store the canisters with their lids uppermost.
12. These thoughts were uppermost in my mind.
13. Their own problems of course remained uppermost in their minds.
14. The one word which seems to be uppermost in every discussion is money.
15. In the car she reverted to the subject uppermost in her mind.
16. The children' s future is always uppermost in my mind.
17. Two thoughts were uppermost in my mind.
18. The children's safety should be your uppermost concern.
19. Place the pizza on the uppermost oven rack.
20. Succeeding in her career was uppermost in her mind.
21. But how can our uppermost tier go so berserk?
22. In fact[](, financial problems may not be uppermost in her mind.
23. A scoreless first half saw defences uppermost on both sides with Ireland defending with spirit.
24. For now, that meant keeping the case uppermost in his thoughts.
25. The vital importance of love is to love all life without qualms, without wisdom or religion uppermost in the mind of the lover.
26. Place the material on a flat surface, shiny side uppermost.
27. Lift the fish and carefully place it on a large board, flat side uppermost.
28. The fact that Western cultures were placed by the anthropologists on the uppermost rungs reflects their ethnocentric perspective!
29. It appears that even now we are witnessing the establishment of a new and uppermost tier in the hierarchy of precious metals.
30. Spread the sail and lay it flat as possible with the underside uppermost.
More similar words: innermostuppermostmostlyutmostat mostalmosthindmostfurthermorethermometerthermoelectricfirst and foremosthormoneenormousharmonyturmoilsupplysuppleanimosityatmospheresurmountsupposesupporthomosexualharmonizezipperpeppersuppliersupposedsuppress
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