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Launder in a sentence

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Sentence count:21+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bathescourscrubwashSimilar words: launderingmaunderlaundryundergroundunderunderwayundergofounderMeaning: ['lɔndə(r) /'lɔː-]  v. 1. cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water 2. convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones. 
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1 These bed sheets launder well.
2 Norio worked with foreign banks to launder drug profit.
3 There is no need to launder bedding or sterilize clothing.
4 Presumably the decline of domestic servants to launder the disgusting handkerchiefs.
5 I'm afraid we cannot launder embroidered items, ma'am.
6 Properly launder and fold clothes for your family for one week.
7 How you guys launder all the money you're making from the drug deals.
8 The gang launder the steal money through their chain of restaurants.
9 To develop and manage driver, security guard, cleaner, launder, canteen, and other logistics.
10 The House voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money.
11 He had admitted suspecting that money he helped Black to launder at banks was the proceeds of drugs trafficking.
12 Such sums could prove attractive to all sorts of unsavoury characters,[] including those who might have money to launder.
13 The Foreign Office had a contract with the prison to launder diplomatic bags.
14 How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home?
15 In the analysis, we simply simulated the contact way between launder and support, which decreased the calculative amount ulteriorly and accelerated the analysis.
16 Citrous segment membrane peeling is the key technology in the can production,[] which has been developed from single batch stationary pond to continuous automatic launder with technology development.
17 Based on the demand, the ultrasonic radiation surface can be laid underside the launder slot or on the side face or on the peak face, it is quite agility.
18 At least one planeload of Russians bearing wads of fresh U.S. $100 bills landed in nearby Sharjah every day so they could launder drug money through Dubai's huge gold souk.
19 A system for transferring molten metal from a vessel and into one or more of a ladle, ingot mold, launder, feed die cast machine or other structure is disclosed.
20 Gradually his business was becoming larger and better owing to the patrimonial art and his circumspect service with fine launder skill, and the name of Aunt Mary spread very fast.
21 At the time, authorities thought Bulger was using the lottery to launder money: take illicit profits, buy a share in a winning lottery ticket, redeem it, and end up with clean cash.
More similar words: launderingmaunderlaundryundergroundunderunderwayundergofounderunder wayblunderplunderthundercome underunderpinundergonefall underunderlieundercutunder ageflounderunderstandunderlineundersellundermineundertakeunderwearplunderedunderworldundertakenunderwrite
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