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Tribute in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+8Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: complimentcontributiondonationeulogyglorificationlaudationpraisesubscriptionSimilar words: attributedistributecontributedistributedcontribute totribunalcontributordistributorMeaning: ['trɪbjuːt]  n. 1. something given or done as an expression of esteem 2. payment by one nation for protection by another 3. payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence. 
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151. Nevertheless it is fitting that we should add our tribute to the many that have been made throughout the country.
152. He believes that the Bulls are an executive brainstorm, a tribute to the managerial skills of himself and owner Jerry Reinsdorf.
153. His son is hoping a set of stamps honouring his work will make a fitting tribute to the designer's genius.
154. In 1899 the company took the unusual step of appointing him general manager,[] a tribute to his administrative as well as engineering abilities.
155. The tribute that poured into the temple store-rooms, dedicated variously to deities and sanctuaries, had to be recorded and redistributed.
156. Mr Benn is a thoroughly charming man, and I was pleased to pay tribute to him when I got up to speak.
157. Leading Hollywood actors were fulsome in their praise for the director at Thursday night's tribute.
158. His friend Adam Smith wrote a tribute to him in a letter to William Strahan, which was subsequently published.
159. I pay tribute to the Home Office for the way in which it dealt with immigrants who came to Northern Ireland.
160. It was a tribute for which the events of the next three years provided ample justification.
161. Ada McGeer, who knew her well, pays fine tribute to Lily Laverock in her autobiography.
162. All rose and stood in silent tribute.
163. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
164. To their deliverer the poets paid the greatest tribute they could render.
165. Over nine-thousand ex-servicemen and women marched past in tribute to their fallen comrades.
166. The maritime Asian nations sent envoys with tribute for the Chinese emperor.
167. It is a tribute to Mr Chandler's skill that he has fashioned a fascinating book out of such unpromising material.
168. It is a tribute to the capacity of the kidneys to excrete alkali.
169. Indeed, autumn deserves a hymn -- and it has received far less tribute than it deserves.
170. Fellow Democrats and Republicans have united this week to pay tribute to the effective lawmaker.
171. Fellow Democrats and Republicans have untied united this week to pay tribute to the effective lawmaker.
More similar words: attributedistributecontributedistributedcontribute totribunalcontributordistributorattributivecontributingdistributiontribulationcontributionmoribundagribusinesstribetribaltribesmanminibusfilibusterribbriberibbonscriberibaldbriberyascribedribblejuteouter
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