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(1) Trans World's ability to perform so well during this period raised eyebrows.
(2) Trans World Airlines, which says it usually waves advance-purchase requirements in bereavement cases, appears to be an exception.
(3) The nearby village of Trans is a charming if undistinguished little place, ignored by passing traffic.
(4) Any delay in publishing an article in Perkin Trans. 1 is on the side of the author.
(5) Freeman recently made a bid to purchase Trans World Airlines Inc.
(6) Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats.
(8) The prefixes cis and trans are frequently applied to disubstituted cycloalkanes.
(9) Spiller, Robert E. The Cycle of American Literature. Trans. Wang Changrong. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1996.
(10) Microspheric trans aconitic acid imprinted polymers were synthesized via a precipitation polymerization with acetonitrile as solvent.
(11) Wang Weike , trans . The Divine Comedy. By Alighieri. Beijing: People's Literature Publishing House[sentencedict.com], 1999.
(12) "Many men are attracted to trans gender women, but when it comes to commitment they don't want to do it, " the founder of the website, Kalki, explained.
(13) Saturated fatty acid and trans fatty acid in fried food were higher than non-fried food; polyunsaturated fatty acid and cis fatty acid of fried food was lower than non-fried food.
(14) Why do some trans individuals chose to cross-dress, and others chose to complete sex reassignment surgery (SRS)?
(15) The enantioselectivity for trans 1,2 disubstituted olefins is better than that for mono substituted olefins.
(16) Not only do trans fats raise "bad" LDL cholesterol, as saturated fat does, but they also lower heart-healthy HDL cholesterol.
(17) CBF 4 transcription activator is one kind of trans factors, which is induced by drought.
(18) Waters , Lindsay. Critique of Aesthetic Authoritarianism. Trans . Ang Zhihui. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2000.
(19) Food products often identify trans fats by the term partially hydrogenated.
(20) The trans - cis photoisomerization of azobenzene is the basis of photo - responsive properties of many azo - functional materials.
(21) The surplus barite, bentonite and cement have to trans - fered to the supply boat.
(22) A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways. Sentencedict.com
(23) Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling 

(24) Still, I'm betting you will see foods advertised as " low in trans fat. "
(25) Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of Qingyitang to acute pancreatitis with trans - jejunum feeding.
(26) " To me,'says Sergei , " it looked like the Trans - Siberian Express. "
(27) ILGA is the only worldwide federation campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) rights and was established in 1978.
(28) The committee's recommendations are, in essence, to note calories on the front of packs, and to provide a scale to indicate the relative quantity of added sugar, sodium, saturated fat and trans fat.
(29) The influence of sulfur level on the properties of trans 1,4 polyisoprene(TPI) after the transition from plastic polymer to elastic polymer was investigated.
(30) Purpose:To study the value of DSA in treating portal hypertension by subtotal splenectomy with retroperitoneal splenic trans position and devascularization.
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