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Trample in a sentence

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Sentence count:46+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: tramp downtramplingtreadtread downSimilar words: amplesampleexamplefor examplecramprampagerampantrun rampantMeaning: ['træmpl]  n. the sound of heavy treading or stomping. v. 1. tread or stomp heavily or roughly 2. injure by trampling or as if by trampling 3. walk on and flatten. 
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1. Don't trample on the flowers!
2. A true great man will neither trample on a worm,nor sneak to an emperpor.
3. Don't trample on grass.
4. Don't let people trample all over you.
5. Please don't trample on the azaleas.
6. Don't trample on the grass.
7. She would not let him trample over her any longer.
8. Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors.
9. Don't trample on the flowers when you play in the garden.
10. Don't trample mud from your shoes on to the floor; I've just this minute swept it.
11. She would not let him trample over her!
12. At any moment he might trample into the road, lower his head, run at some one.
13. After that it looked like they would trample all over their local rivals.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. If he thought he could trample roughshod over her plans, just as he pleased, he had a lot to learn.
15. L7 aren't half-arsed rockers, they trample over most of their rivals, they don't want to be blokes.
16. Regulated, socialised economies trample on human dignity, despoil the natural environment and depress economic performance.
17. Go on, I said to myself, trample on his face, kick him in the stomach.
18. I heard someone trample about in the hall.
19. We heard the trample of many feet.
20. To trample upon practice is to cower before truth.
21. Trample them in the mire under the German heel.
22. Don't trample law and order under hoot.
23. Go further! let It'serve to trample on.
24. Don't trample on the flower bed.
25. He could trample on them with ease.
26. But they could, of course(, take it to indicate that they can trample all over you.
27. The calves must be roped and led out of the stockade first, lest the terrified adults trample them to death.
28. Imperious, you mount a nag of thirty hands and trample me into the ground.
29. Just across the way is the wild-looking tip of Cumberland Island, a nature refuge where wild horses trample the sands.
30. After such a spoilt dreamy flight it is hard not to trample carelessly over the end of the night shift.
More similar words: amplesampleexamplefor examplecramprampagerampantrun rampantamplitudewimplecomplextemplesimplecompletecrumplecompletelyimplementcomplexityimplementationsimple interestintramuralultramoderncamplamphamperswampstampcampusrevampdampen
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