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Thermal in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+4Posted:2017-01-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: caloricthermicSimilar words: geothermalformalnormallyformallyinformalsupermanGermangermanyMeaning: ['θɜrml /'θɜːml]  n. rising current of warm air. adj. 1. relating to or associated with heat 2. of or relating to a hot spring 3. caused by or designed to retain heat. 
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181, The optimal oxidation condition was determined by thermal analysis and elemental analysis.
182, To investigate the mechanism of discoloration of black locus wood during thermal treatment process, the variations of functional groups in the lignin of black locust are studied by FTIR and UV-Vis.
183, The main categories of no impact printers are ink - jet printer, thermal printers, and laser printers.
184, Mixing by CR322 and CM140B, the workability of mixed rubber and thermal endurance performance and oil resistant performance of the surface and cured rubber are all improved.
185, To provide greater accuracy in comparing fuels, energy content is measured in terms of "British Thermal Units (BTU's)."
186, The thermal protection mechanism of three layer for coating material under heating process was discussed, the conservation equations which reflects difference function was established.
187, Carbon sealing rings prepared by adding infiltrators , considered as the essential and damageable parts, are widely applied in medium speed coal mills in thermal power plants.
188, The material of super Invar is advised to use to minish the disadvantage of thermal deformation.
189, It's well known that both thermal self-defocusing effect and reverse saturated absorption can lead to optical limiting.
190, The postponable reduced viscosity process is a thermal cracking one of shallow degree of residual oil.
191, The stereospecificity of the thermal cleavage of pyrazolines is lacking although stereoselectivity does exist.
192, A hot , dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen.
193, The heat calculation would be different because of dissimilar thermal calculation in the turbo-compressor when the boiler load was changed.
194, The thermal load is the main reason which causes damage of hot forging die.
195, The mechanisms thermal decomposition of 5 - nitro - 1 - hydrogen - tetrazole are studied by density function theory.
196, The thermal shock resistance of the crucible can also be improved apparently by adding a small amount of kyanite powder.
197, Thermal tests , small signal tests ,( and stress analysis test.
198, The influence of welding thermal cycle on structure and properties in grain-coarsening region of X80 pipeline steel was investigated by weld thermal simulation technique and the charpy test.
199, By use of finite element analysis software ANSYS, the steady-state temperature field and thermal stress field in the tubesheet of a large fixed tubesheet heat exchanger were analyzed.
200, The nitrogen in the block Si3N4 can be determined accurately by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity method combined with 5-element bath.
201, The influences of epaxial light intensity and energy distribution in far field caused by steady-state thermal blooming with wind are calculated and analysed.
202, The thermal behavior, crystalline morphology and micromorphology of the composite were tested and analyzed .
203, A metal-oxide secondary emission film can be deposited on glass, ceramic or semiconductor substrates by thermal decomposition of an organo-metal alkoxide.
204, The pump house is an important infrastructure for thermal power plants. It directly affects the reliability of power system.
205, In this article the equations of the instantaneous current, which take account of the thermal effect during a sine-shaped pulse current flowing in the magnet, are presented for the first time.
206, Low expansion resin is, prevents from casting defects, especially veining and hot tear caused from thermal expansion.
207, Addition of resin can promote the formation of free radicals and speed up the thermal cracking reaction.
208, Incubation thermal and hydric environments did not determine sex in T septentrionalis.
209, The roasting kinetics of copper sulfide concentrate is investigated with the differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermo-gravimetry (TG) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
210, Geometric error and thermal error are the principle error of direct - drive hobbing machines.
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