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Terminal in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+13Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: concludingdepotendmostfinallastpoleterminusSimilar words: germinalterminateexterminateterminationinterminablyinterminableexterminationdeterminationMeaning: ['tɜrmɪnl /'tɜːm-]  n. 1. station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods 2. a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves 3. electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display. adj. 1. being or situated at an end 2. of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route 3. relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time 4. occurring at or forming an end or termination 5. causing or ending in or approaching death. 
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121. Mary, who was suffering from terminal cancer, spent her last few months in a hospice.
122. Honecker, who had terminal liver cancer, was considered to have only 18 months to live.
123. This document asks doctors to avoid making strenuous efforts to prolong your life if the eventual outcome is known to be terminal.
124. Should doctors always tell patients that they have terminal illnesses such as cancer?
125. Grass routes Up until now it has maintained a purity of vision that sees a workstation not a terminal on every desk.
126. After she had rolled the empty barrels back into the garage, she went inside and called the bus terminal.sentencedict .com
127. Recent power surges disrupted underground train service between the terminal and concourses.
128. Four specimens were from the jejunum and 11 from terminal ileum or ascending colon.
129. Other natural sites acting as terminal points are prominent rock outcrops, springs and holy wells.
130. The crossover is mounted behind the terminal panel at the top rear of the cabinet.
131. Networks that exhibit the same terminal behaviour as some device, system or more complicated network are naturally known as equivalent circuits.
132. During that time, passengers will have to cross to a new international terminal at Waterloo.
133. Sparc Technology will also sell Sun system designs, hoping to expand indirectly into the portable, X terminal and embedded markets.
134. Anyone searching the resultant database by means of a computer terminal has almost instantaneous access to every item in the newspaper.
135. Once in the terminal, consider seeking help at the in-house first-aid or medical clinic.
136. However[], in patients with terminal cancer the normal cause of dyspnoea is restrictive pulmonary failure.
137. Lorries will take containers to and from the terminal and trains will make the journey between Northamptonshire and the continent.
138. Terminal Sessions Next evaluate the maximum number of sessions for the entire terminal server.
139. I saw old men jumping from one closing terminal to another, like ice floes in a river.
140. It zoomed in to introduce the IntelliServer terminal server for local area networks.
141. He had expected some final pay-off, a terminal settling of accounts for services rendered.
142. The novelist Ann Lamott tells a story about going shopping with a friend who was in the late stages of terminal cancer.
143. Other proposals concern the carry-back of unrelieved charges on income, and the carry-forward of terminal losses against income by individuals.
144. Procomm can connect with and emulate virtually any computer terminal.
145. The largest basic domain within the amino terminal region is underlined.
146. Its main role is as a terminal sire for suckler herds or as a beef sire for dairy herds.
147. Terminal Response Times Response times for interactive processes will be monitored periodically during production by manual measurements from the terminal.
148. This proved impossible: the fist was too tightly clenched in its terminal seizure.
149. A phase two Terminal 2 development planned for 1997/98 will increase that total capacity by another six million passengers a year.
150. They plan to point out that tanker movements to and from the terminal are carefully controlled.
More similar words: germinalterminateexterminateterminationinterminablyinterminableexterminationdeterminationindeterminatedeterminativedeterminedetermineddeterminingundeterminedpredetermineterminologicalnominal interest rateverminnever mindunderminetermiteintermitbuttermilknominalnominallycriminalintermittentpermithermithermitage
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