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Template in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+1Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: contemplatecontemplatedcontemplationtempleexemplarexemplarytemperateintemperateMeaning: ['templɪt]  n. a model or standard for making comparisons. 
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91. VDM finds the corresponding VM template by going though the directory containing VTD files and cloning the VM template to the destination specified in the deployment task file.
92. Analogously , template parameters represent types or values we can use in the definition of a class or function.
93. Second, JavaScript bases object construction on a prototype, or an existing instance of an object, rather than a class template.
94. The Holographic Template or Thought-Energy Blueprint is the original thought-form construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually re-created.
95. This example clearly demonstrates that the one-to-one mapping between a JSF request URL and view template is not imperative.
96. Parses template and sends to standard output ( Browser ).
97. The user's template may reside in internal memory (capable of holding over 27,000 users), or on other media such as a hard disk or smart card chip.
98. As a starting point for our new model file (ASDI.mdl), we used the Rose template that follows the structure defined by the RUP (see Figure 1).
99. The utility model relates to a valve body detection template of automobile automatic speed variator, belonging to automobile maintenance technical field.
100. The first part of the text in the example contains information about the message template, that is, the qualified name of message definiton and the parts defined in the message definition.
101. A template can constrain the cardinality of a clone's association.
102. This approach proved to be a good debugging aid when trying to track down which template controlled which content.
103. The third XML document application builds on the second application and places one of the grid displays with the xfy Adaptive Chart template to display only the email and sales total information.
104. Highly ordered mesoporous carbon, denoted as CMK-5, was synthesized by using mesoporous silicates SBA-15 as template and furfuryl alcohol as carbon precursor.
105. Shows how to customize the display of a data field by using a custom field template.
106. Enrollment, or the process of collecting biometric samples from an individual, known as the enrollee , and the subsequent generation of his template.
107. Williams, the author of this template, launched the first ever blog by a British cabinet minister.
108. This version can follow one's inclinations increase you need, it is really a column of classic all-around template.
109. Template matching and median filtering are fundamental operations in image processing.
110. A specialization of the primary template occurs before the explicIt'specialization.
111. You have to install Genshi and Jinja separately if you want to use them whereas Mako is included in the default Pylons installation because it is the recommended template language to use.
112. Offline Character Recognition for The template matching, USPS font terminology Fisher Linear found handwritten identification numbers.
113. I have a 2007 MS Access template called Lending Library.
114. In the thesis, a new nanostructured silicon template is reported, and hiring it as template, nanostructured noble metal thin films are obtained through immersion plating method.
115. If you want to add your own document type, you must create the relevant Microsoft Word document template (.dot file) and a definition file before adding a new document type.
116. Type a template name and the GC and Memory Visualizer saves the template in the Templates view for future use.
117. The RENAME keyword is used to provide a generic format name to reduce code changes should this code be used as a template for other format handlers.
118. Finally( ), the types of template and substances of Rapid ERP Implementation are discussed.
119. While template engines have this same problem, many Java-based solutions, such as my favorite, Enhydra, allow you to supply the markup page as input to the presentation technology.
120. This template will categorise tagged articles into Category:Wikipedia articles needing rewrite. This template is self-reference. This template is not useful to be subst 'd.
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