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Tempo in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: pacepacingSimilar words: temporaltemporaryextemporetemporarilycontemporaryextemporaneoustempertemptMeaning: ['tempəʊ]  n. 1. (music) the speed at which a composition is to be played 2. the rate of some repeating event. 
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1. Il divario nel tempo in aspra lotta.
2. United stepped up the tempo in the second half.
3. It's a difficult piece, with numerous changes of tempo.
4. The boss is unsatisfied with the tardy tempo.
5. The tempo has been stepped up.
6. They waltz to the tempo of the music.
7. The tune has a fast tempo.
8. They played the overture at a fairly slow tempo.
9. Your tempo is too slow.
10. Don't let the other team dictate the tempo of the game.
11. Musically to break time of tempo is to brown off.
12. They soon adapted to the tempo of life on the island.
13. The gradation in/of tempo in this piece of music is very subtle.
14. The tempo of operations was fast,( impressive.
15. The tempo also makes accurate notation harder.
16. Everything was done at a leisurely tempo.
17. The tempo of his actions begins to accelerate.
18. The tempo of the chase increases.
19. But their frustrating, slow tempo is only half the reason.
20. But he quickened the tempo of our lives, left us more nervous, speedy, irritable.
21. What, then, I wondered, controls the tempo of life in the deep sea?
22. Schreier sets a brisk but effective tempo here and the horn and bassoons with continuo are first-rate.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. His elegiac tempo for the largo of the Cello Sonata allows him a sustained outpouring of feeling.
24. The tempo is usually fast since some programmers believe that fast-paced news programs attract younger audiences.
25. In a new recording, the Boston Philharmonic tried the original tempo.
26. They took the last movement at an unusually slow tempo.
27. The quietness of the house, to which she stood listening, was a new quietness with an alien tempo.
28. It continued poorly, as Gatti threw to the winds any notion of coherent tempo relationships.
29. The shopping arcade is a stroll-and-browse region and the preserve of medium tempo Lawrence Welk.
30. Of course, good melody will sound fine at any tempo, so play slowly and gradually pick up speed.
More similar words: temporaltemporaryextemporetemporarilycontemporaryextemporaneoustempertemptempowertempletemperatempuraattempttempesttemperatetemptingcontempttemperanceempowermenttemperamentintemperatetemperaturecontemplatecontretempstempestuoustemperamentalcontemptiblecontemptuouscaveat emptorself-contempt
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