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Team in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+79 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bandcompanycrewganggrouppartySimilar words: steamteammatebeamscreamstreamdream updream ofmainstreamMeaning: [tɪːm]  n. 1. a cooperative unit 2. two or more draft animals that work together to pull something. v. form a team. 
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31. He was on the baseball team.
32. The members of the team just didn't mesh.
33. The team now seems bereft of inspiration.
34. We all back our school team.
35. The winning team was showered with confetti.
36. The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.
37. Liverpool were clearly the superior team.
38. The defensive team nearly equipoised the offensive team.
39. Now the visiting team is ahead.
40. We need someone who can inspire the team.
41. Their team had a poor offense.
42. He made the second string on the football team.
43. The team fought back to win the game.
44. Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.
45. Our team will try for the first prize.
46. Our football team defeated theirs this time.
47. I am a member of the basketball team.
48. The English football team were world champions in 1966.
49. The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.
50. A team of bulldozers lumbered up the steep incline.
51. They appointed him captain of the English team.
52. Winning the match buoyed the team up.
53. I'm replacing Sue on the team.
54. Her return to the team now seems a certainty.
55. They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team.
56. Tim plays for the national volleyball team.
57. The opposing team put up a very strong showing.
58. The team was not well balanced.
59. He organized the team with military precision.
60. Our team got clobbered on Saturday.
More similar words: steamteammatebeamscreamstreamdream updream ofmainstreamtearsteakteachsteadyteacherat easetear uptear offin tearstear downsteadilyteaspoonquite a fewinstead oftake it easy
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