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Tale in a sentence

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Sentence count:268+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accountepicfalsehoodfiblienarrativesagastoryuntruthyarnSimilar words: talentedpalemalesalescalesaleswhalefemaleMeaning: [teɪl]  n. 1. a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program 2. a trivial lie. 
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(211) It has no message, but entertains with wit, cunning, malice and a wicked twist in the tale.
(212) Feffer, wishing to divert him, had told him the tale of the insurance adjuster who pulled out the pistol.
(213) It is neither a romantic comedy in the vein of Four Weddings nor a warm-hearted tale about Sheffield steel workers.
(214) The tale: A business traveler meets a seductive woman in a hotel bar.
(215) The convoluted tale grows thin long before it comes to rest.
(216) Death is in the sperm like the ancient mariner With his horrible tale.
(217) Stolen art treasures viewed by her professional eye, mysterious happenings, and danger combine in this action-filled tale of Romantic Suspense.
(218) It is, after all, a fairy tale, as the movie's hallucinatory ending proves.
(219) Every tale - depressing as it is in its own right represents another body blow to the leasing industry.
(220) The novice promised the old master a fantastic tale about a severed head that talks.
(221) Clinton and Gore have a pretty good tale to tell.
(222) One folk tale about Johnson suggested he was protected by an extraordinary power.
(223) Is it possible to capture a reader with the tale of two unappealing, selfish and self-destructive characters?
(224) Even the one tale that concludes with a victory contains a bittersweet tinge.
(225) It was no longer believed to be a sad tale of the power of fortune to undermine love.
(226) An ancient folk tale, it became the source of a number of legends and literary adaptations.
(227) The tale took some ten minutes to tell, Sandison being careful to allow no inconsistencies to creep in.
(228) That is the bare outline of the Pilmay and Scott story, a tale that could be told in much more detail.
(229) Ills a diversionary tactic-she will do anything rather than finish her tale.
(230) The feminine voice at the start of the Shipman's Tale is a conundrum that draws attention to the teller.
(231) That is why she offers a cautionary tale about the parent traps facing all women.
(232) They could weave, into the lovely stuffs they made,[] forms so lifelike anyone could see what tale they illustrated.
(233) This is the epic tale of the king of the beasts, the best-dressed elephant in the jungle.
(234) This tale gives symbolic expression to these inner experiences directly linked to the mother.
(235) Maybe it's just that those who don't look don't survive to tell the tale.
(236) Spend some time with Ariel and his magic if you want to add to this tale.
(237) Beattie has taken a big risk here by choosing to tell her tale through the wan and washed-out Jean.
(238) Even if most figures for waste are not overestimates, national statistics tell a less-than-apocalyptic tale.
(238) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(239) Around the campfire they would narrate tale after tale.
(240) This is a folk tale known all over China.
More similar words: talentedpalemalesalescalesaleswhalefemaledealerfor saleon salecalendarequivalentPalestinianat alltalkmetalvitalfatalon a large scalerentaltotallybrutallet alonenot at allinstallget alongat a lossItaliancapital
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