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Suppressor in a sentence

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Sentence count:69Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: oppressorsuppresscompressorsuppressantsuppressiontransgressoroppressedoppressionMeaning: [sə'presə(r)]  n. 1. someone who suppresses 2. a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene) 3. an electrical device for suppressing unwanted currents. 
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1, Tumour suppressor genes seem to be very important in colorectal carcinogenesis.
2, Again, inhibition of suppressor cell activity was postulated to be responsible.
3, This suggests a possible tumour suppressor function for this cell adhesion molecule.
4, Scientists believe the suppressor gene can be inactivated by tobacco, viruses, pollution or diet.
5, Various mutations in both oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes have been implicated heavily in the development of cancer.
6, Loss of tumour suppressor function requires inactivation of both alleles, usually by chromosomal deletion or point mutation, or both.
7, Consequently, unlike other tumour suppressor genes, only one allele need be mutated to produce a phenotypic effect.
8, The suppressor field seemed to work perversely on Jaq, who already knew how to hide his own light.
9, RECK gene is a newly discovered tumor suppressor gene.
10, Endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors act as tumor suppressor proteins.
11, Three regions had the signature of a tumour suppressor gene, but many looked like fragile sites.
12, Expression of tumor suppressor gene Rb at different pathological grade in bladder and renal cell carcinoma.
13, Putative oncogenes(, tumour suppressor genes and proto - oncogenes implicated in cancer are also included.
14, Objective To investigate the new progresses in tumor suppressor gene PTEN and esophageal carcinoma ( EC ).
15, Objective To study the relationship between tumor suppressor gene PTEN , P 16, P 15 and primary cervical carcinomas.
16, CONCLUSTIONS The suppressor cell activity and CD is significantly decreased, compared with the normal individuals.
17, The CBFS series is a 3 terminal EMI Suppressor Filter based on multilayer chip capacitor technology.
18, The presence of other chromosomal deletions in colorectal cancer suggests that several more tumour suppressor genes have yet to be identified.
19, Since then much evidence has accrued that p53 is a tumour suppressor gene involved in a wide range of human malignancies.
20, Research into colorectal tumours has directly or indirectly contributed to the discovery of three new tumour suppressor genes.
21, Perhaps the most exciting of future possibilities for genetic intervention in cancer is the direct manipulation of oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes.
22, Enough premalignant cells are present in the bulk of stool to permit the analysis of tumour suppressor gene mutations by this technique.
23, This action of the mutant protein is by contrast with the recently established tumour suppressor activity of the wild type protein.
24, An integrated - circuit transformer differential relay including secondary and fifth harmonics suppressor is designed.
25, With an aiminresolving the problem smoking of polymers on burning, a complex smoke suppressor consisting of ammonium molybdate and molybdic oxide has been prepared,[] using zeolite as the carrier.
26, Common prostate malignant tumor related genes include heredity susceptivity gene, tumor suppressor genemetastasis genes and metastasis suppressor genes etc.
27, Objective To detect the expression of a novo tumor suppressor gene PTEN and DNA direct repair enzyme MGMT in gynecomastia.
28, Neutralize 5 terrorists in a row by performing head shots using a Sound Suppressor.
29, To be familiar with common oncogenes and its product, tumor suppressor genes and its products.
30, These observations suggest that the mutated tyrosine phosphatases are tumor suppressor genes, regulating cellular pathways that may be amenable to therapeutic intervention.
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