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Subordinate in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+9Posted:2016-11-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dependentinferiorsecondaryAntonym: co-ordinateSimilar words: coordinatecoordinatorordinaryextraordinaryrecordingaccordingaccording todominateMeaning: [sə'bɔːdnɪt]  n. 1. an assistant subject to the authority or control of another 2. a word that is more specific than a given word. v. 1. rank or order as less important or consider of less value 2. make subordinate, dependent, or subservient. adj. 1. lower in rank or importance 2. subject or submissive to authority or the control of another 3. (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence 4. inferior in rank or status. 
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(31) To be truly democratic, the subordinate must be willing to participate.
(32) These verbal clues act as links between major and subordinate points.
(33) Once initial aims and objectives are established then all other processes and outcomes are functions of, and subordinate to, them.
(34) Two summary points can be made about dominant and subordinate cultures.
(35) It successfully produces delinquents, creating a criminal section of the population and thereby dividing the subordinate classes into mutually antagonistic fractions.
(36) For them it was the more concrete matter of solving a problem, figuring out what to delegate to a subordinate.
(37) The Cabinet, appointed by the President, is subordinate to the party's central committee.
(38) Eventually the dominant male gives a sharp cry and the subordinate flies off.
(39) General managers and top executives also must be able to communicate clearly and persuasively with customers, subordinate managers, and others.
(40) No absolute rule can be laid down as to the way the subordinate judge should proceed.
(41) There is also an exaggerated demarcation of social distance between ranks, and deferential behavior by subordinate ranks toward superiors.
(42) The first requirement of your subordinate is that you should both have the same aims in the coaching session.
(43) However, when a subordinate clause follows a main clause this additional processing load does not occur.
(44) He molested her for 72 hours before he was shot dead by his lower-caste subordinate, Vikram Mallah.
(45) It is supported by two Subordinate Committees, one examining the export applications and the other the technology applications.
(46) It is a way in which the dominant class of landowners manipulates a subordinate one.
(47) In effect the allied general becomes a subordinate character in the same way as other heroes.
(48) The manager prompts the subordinate to carry out a personal audit.
(49) Thus the capitalist mode articulates with the peasant mode,( with the latter playing a subordinate role and the former benefiting.
(50) Admiral Ugaki promptly instructed subordinate staff officers to make a detailed study of the practicability of his plan.
(51) First investment bankers wanted practical people, willing to subordinate their educations to their careers.
(52) In the sentence "Can you tell me what time it is?" 'Can you tell me' is the main clause, and 'what time it is' is a subordinate clause.
(53) It is subordinate to the altar and although it may be decorative, it has direction towards the altar.
(54) He argued that all the higher taxonomic categories can be divided into five subordinate units that fall naturally into a circular pattern.
(55) The most disruptive pairings occur between a supervisor and a subordinate.
(56) Also, they commonly appear as subordinate elements in a sentence where the main clause indicates the speaker.
(57) Frye wrote the words independent clause and subordinate clause on the board.
(58) To be subordinate is to accept without challenge the ascribed authority of another.
(59) The earthly commonwealth being a reflection of the divine, secular power was therefore subordinate to spiritual.
(60) The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
More similar words: coordinatecoordinatorordinaryextraordinaryrecordingaccordingaccording todominateoriginateeliminateobstinatelaminatedilluminatecontaminatedecaffeinatedsuborncordialborderboardingborder onrewardingregardingin a wordruminationnominationinclinationcombinationelaboratedestinationfascinating
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