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Rebuff in a sentence

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Sentence count:39+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: denydisclaimdisdaindisownrejectrenouncerepudiatescornsnubspurnSimilar words: bufferrebutrebukerebuildnone butdebutrebeltherebyMeaning: [rɪ'bʌf]  n. 1. a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval) 2. an instance of driving away or warding off. v. 1. reject outright and bluntly 2. force or drive back. 
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1. Her efforts were met with a sharp rebuff.
2. He received a humiliating rebuff from his manager.
3. He avoided speaking to her, expecting a rebuff.
4. His rebuff thoroughly deflated me.
5. My father was too proud to risk a rebuff, so he simply did not ask her.
6. The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr Jones.
7. In a rebuff to the president, Congress voted against the bill.
8. She suffered a rebuff from her manager when she raised the matter.
9. His words amounted to a rebuff.
10. Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.
11. Governors say they are afraid of a rebuff if they venture too near territorial waters.
12. The company is still smarting from the rebuff it received in the senate finance committee.
13. Critics accused him of not wanting to rebuff the Defense Department during an election campaign.
14. He recalled watching the Democrats rebuff their own conservative wing until they lost their majority.
15. I didn't take his rebuff too personally,( since I was used to his habit of being rude to his juniors.
16. There are several flies to meet a rebuff.
17. Rebuff the advances of my cute interns?
18. I wondered whether the colonel would take this rebuff.
19. Did your girl friend give a rebuff to you?
20. The rebuff keyed Roth to defiance.
21. Lily's blood tingled with the grossness of the rebuff.Sentence dictionary
22. Her kindness to him was met with a cruel rebuff.
23. Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff.
24. Her desperate request for help was met with a rebuff.
25. He had been proved mistaken and had probably suffered a somewhat humiliating rebuff from his superior officer.
26. He made an Open pass at the young man only to meet with a rebuff.
27. There is no regular pay check, no regular employer, no guarantee of work, and the strong likelihood of rebuff.
28. But choosing that particular moment to do it was a rebuff as callous and shocking as a slap in the face.
29. In adulthood, he may over-react to rejection from peers - a rebuff from some one he hoped to date perhaps.
30. Merrill felt her face grow warm at this indirect reference to her rebuff of the previous evening.
More similar words: bufferrebutrebukerebuildnone butdebutrebeltherebydebunkforebodeguffcerebrumcerebralstuffbluffnebulousfluffydufferebullientdebuggingrebellioussufficemuffledsuffragehandcuffssufficientsuffer fromsufficiencytake the bull by the horns
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