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Subordinate in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+9Posted:2016-11-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dependentinferiorsecondaryAntonym: co-ordinateSimilar words: coordinatecoordinatorordinaryextraordinaryrecordingaccordingaccording todominateMeaning: [sə'bɔːdnɪt]  n. 1. an assistant subject to the authority or control of another 2. a word that is more specific than a given word. v. 1. rank or order as less important or consider of less value 2. make subordinate, dependent, or subservient. adj. 1. lower in rank or importance 2. subject or submissive to authority or the control of another 3. (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence 4. inferior in rank or status. 
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(61) In tribal societies lineages commonly subordinate their material to their symbolic interests.
(62) To put it crudely, the global capitalist system has very little need of the subordinate classes in this sphere.
(63) The feedback also taught the managers to adapt their style to the subordinate.
(64) Mackenzie assumed direct control, with his partners in subordinate positions.
(65) There has, therefore, been little chance in the past for a political growth of class consciousness among subordinate groups.
(66) If it is shared then trust and confidence will grow between the manager and his subordinate.
(67) But even the theme of agricultural distress is subordinate to the attack on Godwin's belief that property is evil.
(68) Judgments frequently consist of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences replete with subordinate clauses.
(69) The effectiveness of such a legal system depends upon its ability to express the rights[], powers and interests of subordinate classes.
(70) Elite convergence progresses until the subordinate group of elites learns to beat the dominant group through the electoral process.
(71) The emphasis here is on securing the compliance of the subordinate through direction and control.
(72) He was acquitted of cruelty, maltreatment of a subordinate and indecent assault.
(73) It comprises acts of Parliament and subordinate legislation made under the authority of the parent act.
(74) Again, these subordinate bodies might be described as being concerned with implementation and not with policy making.
(75) If you congratulate a subordinate for completing a task on schedule, you may generate a feeling of pride and accomplishment.
(76) This may mean ignoring the frequent assertion by critics that in adventure stones character must be subordinate to action.
(77) The deparment manager devolved the work a subordinate.
(78) A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general.
(79) All subordinate clause are tree's leafage.
(80) Unity of command---Each subordinate answerable to only one superior.
(81) And friend of subordinate and responsible book is met and the direct group of BOL business also is disbanded at the near future(Sentencedict), be in charge of high entirely had left China.
(82) Using the concepts of subordinate degree and fuzzy probability in fuzzy mathematics, the fuzzy multifactorial evaluation of 10 Pleurotus strains was carried out in our study.
(83) Learning word well first, followed by putting phrase in, thirdly the subordinate clause, finishing the whole sentences fourthly.
(84) Administratively Customs offices are not subordinate to the government administration of various levels.
(85) The subordinate has a STD bus-organization, performs measurement and controlling tasks independently according to its control parameters, and stores data records of this course.
(86) To furnish with side or subordinate extensions, as a building or an altarpiece.
(87) Secondly, carry on contrast to existing sentence structure semanteme analytical method, The concept of subordinate to the theory was selected as basic theory of this text.
(88) A subordinate clause can not stand alone as a sentence– that is a sentence fragment.
(89) The Company subordinate: Lunan Institute of Mining washing machine, coal washing machine factory, 200,000 tons coal washery two, plastic drainage pipe to the plant, oily water-based paint factory.
(90) In the foretime, domestication played a major role in idiom translation while foreignization was just in a subordinate status.
More similar words: coordinatecoordinatorordinaryextraordinaryrecordingaccordingaccording todominateoriginateeliminateobstinatelaminatedilluminatecontaminatedecaffeinatedsuborncordialborderboardingborder onrewardingregardingin a wordruminationnominationinclinationcombinationelaboratedestinationfascinating
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