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Stratagem in a sentence

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Sentence count:58+1Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: contrivancedodgegambitploySimilar words: stratumstrategyfrustratestrategicprostrateillustratemagistratedemonstrateMeaning: ['strætɪdʒəm]  n. 1. a maneuver in a game or conversation 2. an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade. 
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31. The present social security system state forest regions hider the implementtionation of the continuable developmental forestry stratagem.
32. Even some experts predict, the intending psychological campaign will be stratagem psychological warfare.
33. The sustainable development stratagem of the Housing Industry depends the green brand and Green Marketing.
34. And then, point out that the transfer of national key zones for development to central region is a stratagem choice when all comes to all.
35. Increase the domestic sales base according to the company stratagem, finish sales target.
36. In the text, we presentation and discuss concept of stratagem, we opine that stratagem is significant for formed the best sub-branch.
37. For accelerating the economic sustainable development of energy stratagem, offered important foundation.
38. Cost first is the one of the three basic stratagem in the enterprises, and cost control is a important managerial title of all enterprises especially to traditional manufactural company to face to.
39. We make the basic direction of advertising stratagem through STP tactic, consumer's behavior pattern.
40. But the enlarged dimensions and the enhanced strength bring not only the joyance of success but also the consideration on the development of stratagem.
41. The Owl, when she saw that she could get no redress , and that her words were despised, attacked the chatterer by a stratagem .
42. Logistics companies should put in practice stratagem and differentiation stratagem on product development stratagem.
43. This article tells the meanings and the relation of stratagem programming and business programming and points out the importance of stratagem programming making.
44. Water resources management,[] watershed planning and water resources sustainable utilization stratagem study.
45. The exchange reminded her of the stratagem she had thought of yesterday.
46. Initiative attack mine is a type of stratagem weapon which is cried for by naval equipment, for it can be used in deep water and control large area of sea.
47. This paper is the subject report on "research on economic development stratagem of Xiangfan city's touristry ", which is a scientific and technological project of Xiangfan city.
48. Chaohu lake region is one of the heartland of AnHui province in economy and culture. It is important to the stratagem of "exploder west" in our country.
49. Chapter 3 "general budget based on stratagem" puts forward the general budget should contact with the group strategic closely to achieve the strategic target of group corporation.
50. From the point of energy stratagem, the biological diesel oil is the most important substitutive fuel.
51. With the development of bidding of construction project, it is very important to make stratagem analysis for the construction enterprises which make the best result in the competitory circumstance.
52. As the leader of high-tech hearing products, Starkey (Suzhou) Hearing Technology Co. , Ltd. is now the manufacture center of Starkey global stratagem.
53. It was a stratagem cadres sometimes used to buy things for themselves.
54. Our enterprise groups are faced with dire challenges. We should carry into execution the stratagem of developing our enterprise group, facing the global economy competition.
55. There was no stratagem that he was not equal to.
56. And the actualization of this stratagem requires large numbers of basic studies.
57. Fire, but because carrier's actual error or the private stratagem cause exception.
58. In the article, I will design rebuilding plan of franchise distribution network base on the stratagem modification in KA company .
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