Synonym: activate, energize, invigorate, motivate, move, rouse, spur, stir. Antonym: deaden. Similar words: stimulus, regulate, insulated, calculate, speculate, manipulate, articulate, estimate. Meaning: ['stɪmjəleɪt /-jʊl-] v. 1. act as a stimulant 2. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 3. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of 4. cause to be alert and energetic 5. cause to occur rapidly 6. stir feelings in 7. provide the needed stimulus for.
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91. This will stimulate the speaker and consequently make your listening more enjoyable.
92. Some lots were damaged or dulled by their long immersion, but this only seemed to stimulate buyers.
93. Practitioners use fine needles - normally stainless steel - to stimulate specific anatomical points of the body.
94. The leaders of our nation do however have a charge to stimulate discussion and ideas if none is forthcoming from the industrialists.
95. But the resistance is pegged to stimulate toning and endurance, not strength, Kraemer said.
96. In order to stimulate competition, large hospitals were encouraged to become self-governing.
97. For good measure, she's famous for her ability to stimulate creative inspiration, too.
98. Education for Gifted Students is intended to stimulate interest in gifted and talented education and to encourage widespread participation in developing it.
99. It is the T-cells which stimulate the B cells to produce the necessary antibodies to protect the body against an invading pathogen.
100. This negative and careless attitude on the part of the teacher can only help to stimulate a negative response among his students.
101. One obvious policy for the achievement of this objective is for government to stimulate aggregate demand by some means or other.
102. There are, of course, devices available to the government to stimulate innovation, and we discuss some of these below.
103. Because import substitution rested on capital-intensive enterprises which required little labour and, therefore, did little to stimulate demand; 3.
104. The following brief notes are indications as to how one might use drama both to stimulate and support work in specific curriculum areas.
105. He thought of Hugo's ability to excite interest,( to stimulate thought.
106. The larvae produce pheromones and these, circulating within the army, stimulate it to keep on the move.
107. They also have a similar technical approach in the use of superimposed images which encompass more than one viewpoint and stimulate ideas.
108. Prune the tops so that light can penetrate to the bottom of the shrubs, which will stimulate new growth.
109. Hopefully increased competition will stimulate a more rapid rate of innovation.
110. The reform aimed to test consumer reaction to higher prices, and to stimulate farmers' enthusiasm for grain production.
111. This increase in export earnings will stimulate the domestic economy.
112. Nor did this luxury stimulate local production: it was wasted on foreign imports which could never become productive at home.
113. You can also add activators such as garden soil, finished compost, bone meal and blood meal to stimulate the action.
114. But there is nothing like a carefully chosen book to stimulate the examination and reflection which deals with this doubt.
115. Unlike cortisone, which also reduces inflammation, Adequan seems to stimulate the production of new tissue in a damaged tendon.
116. Perhaps only by attacking the dominant ideology can it be transformed since action groups may stimulate a rethinking of the situation.
117. The government concentrated on efforts to stimulate economic growth and industrial investment and to enlarge the role of the private sector.
118. Strengthening of that infrastructure would stimulate self-sustaining growth in the private sector-growth which would continue after federal assistance had been withdrawn.
119. Some of these will be working in his conscious mind right away; others will stimulate processes in his unconscious.
120. Nicotine appears to stimulate brain cells in nearly the same way that cocaine does,[] new research finds.
More similar words: stimulus, regulate, insulated, calculate, speculate, manipulate, articulate, estimate, estimated, formula, simultaneously, regulator, population, regulation, regulatory, calculation, speculation, by this time, testimony, late, optimistic, plate, later, lately, relate, isolate, violate, related, intimate, ultimate.