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Stimulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:223+5Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: activateenergizeinvigoratemotivatemoverousespurstirAntonym: deadenSimilar words: stimulusregulateinsulatedcalculatespeculatemanipulatearticulateestimateMeaning: ['stɪmjəleɪt /-jʊl-]  v. 1. act as a stimulant 2. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 3. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of 4. cause to be alert and energetic 5. cause to occur rapidly 6. stir feelings in 7. provide the needed stimulus for. 
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61. The government is attempting to stimulate the economy by attracting multinational corporations.
62. Do active axons stimulate developing Schwann cells or their precursors to divide?
63. After premedication with atropine intravenous ethanol failed to stimulate acid secretion.
64. Both waders immediately filled and I caught my breath as freezing April waters began to stimulate sensitive nether regions.
65. They bring out the big crowds which stimulate the competition.
66. Advanced computer technology then uses the information to stimulate human deliberation in tackling management and production problems.
67. Alcoholic beverages with low ethanol content stimulate gastric acid secretion by additional mechanisms.
68. This is not surprising considering that most inflammatory mediators have been shown to be able to stimulate enteric nerves.
69. This said practically nothing to stimulate action in relation to the systematic health differentials between social groups in Britain.
70. Later I saw the degree of animation which videos like this can stimulate among activists.
71. As was suggested earlier, competition may generate new ideas, stimulate and channel energies, set standards for others to follow.
72. Through this method you stimulate the person to look at things afresh and to think aloud.
73. Some senators have called for huge tax cuts to stimulate the economy.
74. It also contains calendula extract to stimulate the healing of small cuts and scratches.
75. Public investment will modernise services,( help business and industry and stimulate private investment.
76. The intention is that the demonstration projects will prove attractive enough to stimulate other local authorities to follow suit.
77. What means do these governments use to protect, regulate, subsidise or stimulate the sector?
78. While the intention was to stimulate industrial growth by freeing the market, the actual result was vastly different.
79. In either case, the term lacks the generative force to stimulate investigation and to produce verifiable hypotheses.
80. But it is bound to stimulate the evolution of formal procedures for overcoming the obstacles met by investigators.
81. Growing concern for public safety and improvements in the quality of construction should continue to stimulate demand for construction and building inspectors.
82. Several unique, yet mutually reinforcing, factors have been at work to stimulate the pace of the process.
83. Recent evidence suggests that buy-backs merely create banking commissions and do not stimulate growth.
84. Advocates argue that the absence of burdensome regulatory restrictions would stimulate new business activity.
85. The rate cut is also a way to stimulate economic growth.
86. In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
87. But it should stimulate the further application of those mathematical techniques.
88. How could such a debate stimulate any sense of loyalty towards her travelling companions?
89. They are stored within the basal membrane or extracellular matric and released in an active form to stimulate tissue repair and healing.
90. The therapy aims to stimulate the nervous system by body massage and manipulation.
More similar words: stimulusregulateinsulatedcalculatespeculatemanipulatearticulateestimateestimatedformulasimultaneouslyregulatorpopulationregulationregulatorycalculationspeculationby this timetestimonylateoptimisticplatelaterlatelyrelateisolateviolaterelatedintimateultimate
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