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Stable in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+19Posted:2017-02-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barnestablishedfirmsecuresettledsoundsteadfaststeadySimilar words: tablenotabletableauestablishportablesuitablevegetablepalatableMeaning: ['steɪbl]  n. a farm building for housing horses or other livestock. v. shelter in a stable. adj. 1. resistant to change of position or condition 2. firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation 3. not taking part readily in chemical change 4. maintaining equilibrium 5. showing little if any change. 
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181. The need for time-cues to produce a body clock with a stable 24-hour period has already been described.
182. Its body shape means it is one of the most stable road vehicles in crosswinds.
183. High slack systems are those organizations operating with an abundance of resources in reasonably stable and minimally competitive environments.
184. Aspartic acid has the fastest racemization rate of the stable amino acids and is the acid usually chosen for dating bone samples.
185. If investors anticipate stable future interest rates, then the yield curve will be flat.
186. It is widely recognised that the classical technique can and does prove a stable basis fur all styles of dance.
187. What has then happened is a class division, of a stable and organized kind, within cultural production.
188. Designed by Sydney Camm, the Hunter was one of a long line of successful fighting aircraft from the Hawker stable.
189. Corrigan remembered the people coming up to the stable door and begging food or work.
190. There is nothing corresponding to a thermostat in a stable physical system such as a vortex.
191. The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
192. A tall man waited at the stable entrance of the lodging house where Lucille Castineau had rented two attic rooms.
193. Last night the hospitals said Jason was poorly and Neil was in a stable condition.
194. His father, a builder and carrier( ), was one of the first carters to stable his horses in favour of steam traction lorries.
195. The community that showed the most stable and consistent patterns of gender-differentiation was the East Belfast Ballymacarrett community.
196. Men, women, and children packed into dark rooms that stank like a stable.
197. In diamonds, the carbon atoms are packed in a tetrahedral pattern which is extremely stable.
198. Without a stable family order, in which adult men civilize the young men, terror necessarily rules.
199. These patterns tend to stay stable over time and most patients had the same strain of Helicobacter in the stomach and duodenum.
200. Navarre was a conservative, stable agrarian society in which Catholic Credit societies flourished in the late nineteenth century.
201. The concept of authoritarian population implies, for Jessop etal., a monolithic,( relatively stable and widely supported form of government.
202. And many of the world's most stable firms are heavily in debt.
203. All stable vices, such as cribbing or weaving, are best avoided.
204. Conversely, there might be too little capacity for decisive action in a cabinet system when there is no stable majority.
205. The key to growth and stable employment will be through improving the international competitiveness and increasing the market share of our companies.
206. But I've benefited enormously from having a stable, normal home life.
207. A country that maintains a strong banking system and a strong, stable currency reaps real rewards.
208. Groom these ticklish areas with a stable rubber, tea cloth or your hand and work at it gently.
209. I had to go into the stable each day equipped with clippers and some nuts.
210. It was a powerful event, and illIcItly-that Is, against his own stable principles-he craved a repetition.
More similar words: tablenotabletableauestablishportablesuitablevegetablepalatabletimetableequitablecomfortableimmutableadaptabledebatableveritableon the tableirritableinimitabletablespoonhospitabledelectablecreditableacceptableinevitableprofitableunbeatableirrefutableuncomfortableinscrutablerespectable
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