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Sprig in a sentence

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Sentence count:30+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: boughbranchlimbshootsprouttwigSimilar words: sprightlyspringsprinklespring upoffspringsprinklinguprightesprit de corpsMeaning: [sprɪg]  n. 1. a small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year 2. an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers. 
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1. Decorate with a sprig of mint .
2. I decorated the fruit salad with a sprig of mint.
3. He wore a sprig of lilac in his button hole.
4. A festive sprig or two round the picture rail?
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Garnish with a sprig of basil.
6. Decorate with a slice of kiwi and a sprig of mint.
7. Chill and serve with ice-cubes and a sprig of mint.
8. A sprig of holly with three berries was taped with sticking plaster to the wall over her desk.
9. A dark, intense, semi-smiling stare, as if the sprig of white heather was not charity but compulsory.
10. Garnish with a fruit and a sprig of poison ivy.
11. Garnish with whole prawns and a sprig of parsley if you have any left.
12. Cook a few tart apples along with a sprig or two of mint and strain through a fine sieve.
13. Sprig Spring and fall are good times to begin.
14. The next day there was a sprig drizzle.
15. Place sugar, chopped rosemary and mint sprig in the bottom of a cocktail shaker. Muddle well.
16. A cowlick is that often annoying little sprig of hair that seems to grow in a different direction from everything else and just won't lie down.
17. a sprig of holly.
18. The bark off a bit lumpy,( sprig seems to be four prism.
19. Bark brown, flake off Schnabelia branchlet, sprig flower clustered on the top.
20. Serve with ice cream. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a sprinkle cocoa powder.
21. Garnish each with a reserved sprig of dill. Serve with lemon wedges.
22. Carefully, she chose a sprig here, another one there, clipped them with her husband's pocket knife.
23. Gamish each serving with 2 raspberries and a mint sprig.
24. They finished their drinks and as they got up from the table Fernando plucked a sprig of jasmine from the pergola.
25. Top with the remaining rounds of toast. Garnish with a sprig of basil.
26. Take a warm plate put the timbale into the center of the plate, pour sauce around, sour cream on top and finish with a sprig of Corriander.
27. You need to put a wedge of lemon and a sprig of parsley on each plate.
28. This nineteenth - century painting shows a Druidess holding both the sickle and a sprig of mistletoe.
29. It must still be on top of the stove at that time, dreaming that it would wake up with a sprig of heliotrope between its teeth.
30. On national days of mourning, for example, Australians are invited to wear a sprig of wattle.
More similar words: sprightlyspringsprinklespring upoffspringsprinklinguprightesprit de corpsspryspraysproutsprainspreadsprawlspread outsprawlingdyspraxiaspread overwidespreadurban sprawlrigidrightmispronounceriggedoriginfrigidbrigadeall rightwriggletrigger
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