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Slaughter in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+10Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: butcherycarnagegenocidekillingmassacreSimilar words: manslaughterlaughterburst into laughteronslaughtdaughtergranddaughterlaughlaugh atMeaning: ['slɔtə(r) /'slɔː-]  n. 1. the killing of animals (as for food) 2. a sound defeat 3. the savage and excessive killing of many people. v. 1. kill (animals) usually for food consumption 2. kill a large number of people indiscriminately. 
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61. The three countries are preparing to resume the slaughter of whales for profit and restart the international trade in whale meat.
62. Only criminals may slaughter animals so that the population at large is not brutalized.
63. He felt he had taken his only child like a lamb to the slaughter.
64. Inspection begins with live animals and continues through slaughter and processing.
65. They could only leave the zone if they were going directly to the slaughter house.
66. Then the person you are speaking to slips in words like blood sports, slaughter, cruel, fluffy creatures.
67. The men were knocked away from them with great rapidity and slaughter by the terrible fire of the enemy.
68. Many are determined to avenge the slaughter in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
69. Now the milestone has been passed - and there is still no end in sight to the slaughter and suffering.
70. Many people are disgusted at the continuing slaughter of dolphins.
71. To General von Zwehl the slaughter of his triumphant corps was particularly galling.
72. The farmer may castrate the excess bulls, creating steers, or slaughter them.
73. They have suffered wholesale slaughter for the sake of the ivory trade.
74. The slaughter to thousands of innocent US citizens would have been inconceivable until recently.
75. In the 1967 epidemic more than 2,300 infections were reported, which cost the country £150million in slaughter costs and lost sales.
76. He denied that perfectly healthy horses make it to slaughter because he can make more by reselling to somebody else.
77. Even then, the slaughter is carried out without malice toward the animal.
78. We have banned the use of veal crates, and taken action to ensure humane slaughter.
79. It is hardly surprising that, after what he had witnessed, he should set about some slaughter of his own.
80. For smaller farmers, too, the arguments in favour of slaughter are compelling.
81. The forest opened into a large clearing and she gagged as she saw the slaughter within.
82. There had been those, throughout, who had been disgusted at the violence and slaughter.
83. Those selected for slaughter are done so at about thirty months, however,(Sentence dictionary) when their meat is at its prime.
84. Last year 11,000 people walked a total of 120,000 miles to raise cash and protest against the slaughter of whales.
85. And why not give the slaughter of this young magnificent creature a sacred meaning equal to the experience of giving it death?
86. Now aged 99, he still has vivid memories of the slaughter.
87. De Klerk warned Parliament on April 29 that the continuing slaughter could lead to civil war.
88. Farmers reacted angrily to the proposals for mass slaughter of sheep.
89. What had started out as a localized punch-up, had now developed into wholesale slaughter.
90. A Tutsi-led rebel group seized power in July 1994 and halted the slaughter soon afterward.
More similar words: manslaughterlaughterburst into laughteronslaughtdaughtergranddaughterlaughlaugh atlaughinglaughablecaughttaughtnaughthaughtynaughtyfraughtburst out laughinghaughtilydistraughtcome to naughthaughtinessfighterfirefighterlightentightenhigh techfrighteneighteenbrightenblighted
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