Antonym: brother. Similar words: consistent, consistently, minister, sinister, register, administer, boisterous, resist. Meaning: ['sɪstə(r)] n. 1. a female person who has the same parents as another person 2. (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address) 3. a female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group 4. (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women.
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151. The boy is crude enough to stick his tongue to his own sister.
152. Hester is overshadowed by her younger and more attractive sister.
153. One sister had the impudence to wear the other's clothes.
154. What kind of man would betray his own sister to the police?
155. I haven't been to New York before and neither has my sister.
156. My sister was up most of the night with her baby who's teething.
157. My sister blenches at the very thought of changing a baby's nappy.
158. She has agreed to act as a surrogate mother for her sister.
159. I am responsible for my sister until she gets a job.
160. You mustn't upset your sister with any more nonsense about ghosts.
161. My sister had come in with her calm common sense and straightened them out.
162. The local drama group are putting on "Sister Jiang" at the Capital Theatre.
163. On impulse(, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia.
164. The singer was accompanied on the piano by her sister.
165. In the dim half-light of evening, I was unable to tell whether it was Mary or her sister.
166. My sister is taking care of the children while we're away.
167. We'll be able to come if we can off-load the children onto my sister.
168. You conveniently forgot to tell me she was Nick's sister.
169. They very kindly invited my sister and myself to the inauguration.
170. I must help my brother and sister because they're my own flesh and blood.
171. We'd be stuck if your sister hadn't offered to come round and look after the children tonight.
172. Today Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend.
173. I used not to like exercise, but my sister has converted me .
174. Helen and her sister will alternate in setting the table.
175. When I die[], the house will revert to my sister.
176. Is she in? If not, could I speak to her sister?
177. Johnny, don't be such a tease - leave your sister alone!
178. She was happy to share the spotlight with her sister.
179. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not.
180. She had always lived in the shadow of her older sister.
More similar words: consistent, consistently, minister, sinister, register, administer, boisterous, resist, subsist, insist, persist, assist, consist, assist in, consist of, consist in, assistant, assistance, resistance, listen, distend, listen to, listener, enlisted, oyster, poster, foster, glistening, mystery, cluster.