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Sick in a sentence

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Sentence count:216+61Posted:2016-10-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ailingillindisposedAntonym: healthypleasedSimilar words: musicbasicpickkickclickbricktrickclassicMeaning: [sɪk]  n. people who are sick. v. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth. adj. 1. affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function 2. feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit 3. affected with madness or insanity 4. having a strong distaste from surfeit 5. (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble 6. deeply affected by a strong feeling 7. shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. 
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151. A sick person is likely to be fussy about his food.
152. The old lady fusses over her little dog as if it were a sick child.
153. A sick person needs absolute confidence and trust in a doctor.
154. The nurse is helping a sick person down from his bed.
155. I'm sick of you two squabbling just cut it out!
156. John is really jealous of my new house — he's as sick as a parrot.
157. Most women feel sick in the mornings during their first months of pregnancy.
158. Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves - the sick, the old and the needy.
159. The slow, steady roll of the ship made us feel sick.
160. We'll have to work all the harder with two people off sick.
161. I was in the depths of despair when the baby was sick.
162. I was sick at heart to think that I would never see the place again.
163. Seeing that he's been off sick all week he's unlikely to come.
164. Uncle Dick is very good at caring for sick animals.
164. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
165. Sick prisoners in the camp were 'cared for', in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.
166. Pete's at home in bed, sick as a dog .
167. A nurse has to fulfill many duties in caring for the sick.
168. The sick man complained of a feeling of pressure on his chest.
169. He thanked the nurses who had cared for him while he was sick.
170. The patient is holding her own although she is still very sick.
171. On Monday I was still upset and I phoned in sick to work.
172. John explained away his unfinished task by showing his boss a certificate for sick leave.
173. If my child is sick and I leave work, I'm a bad employee. If I don't, I'm a bad mother. It's a no-win situation .
174. 150 men have booked off sick at the ship factory.
175. I feel sick I think it was that fish I ate.
176. He was sick as a parrot when his team lost the match.
177. Her new film deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter.
178. 'John called in sick.' 'That figures, he wasn't feeling well yesterday.'
179. You'll be sick if you eat any more of that chocolate!
180. The average Swede was off sick 27 days last year.
More similar words: musicbasicpickkickclickbricktrickclassicmusicalphysicspick uppick outpick offwickedficklepickupbasicallywhimsicalpopsiclemusicianricketsstick outstick tophysicallyphysicianclassicalmusic standnickname
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