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Rickets in a sentence

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Sentence count:41+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-08-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rocketbucketjackettrickbrickhockeycockedpickMeaning: ['rɪkɪts]  n. childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. 
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1. A deficiency of vitamin D results in rickets.
2. Tuberculosis and malnutrition were prevalent, as was rickets.
3. These robust bones of healed rickets provide an explanation for Lees and co-workers' findings.
4. Diseases from our history texts, like rickets and scurvy, have begun to reappear in the West.
5. Rickets is quite rare now.
6. Rickets is a deformity, mainly found in children.
7. Vitamin deficiency can cause ill nesses, eg scurvy, rickets.
8. Rickets can cause and weakness, teeth problems and muscle loss.
9. Objective : To discuss the relation of rickets and blood lead level.
10. Conclusion The cardinal symptom of late rickets in children is intervallic pain in the lower extremities and to be easily misdiagnosed as growing pain.
11. Rickets is a disease of children characterized by a failure of the growing bones to calcify normally.
12. Rickets is a disease of children characterized a failure of the growing bones to calcify normally.
13. Lack of Calcium in children would lead to rickets, eclampsia and decayed teeth, etc.
14. Signs of deficiency would be rickets ( in children ), joint pain, bone deformities, poor growth.
15. Ricketks Rickets is deformity (, a deformity mainly found in children.
16. Rickets can cause bone pain and weakness, teeth problems and muscle loss.
17. A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets.
18. She was well under five feet in height and her legs were terribly bowed because of rickets.
19. Spouses or newly-weds should carry a copy of their marriage certificate where passports and rickets are in different names.
20. The diseases of the time affected almost every family: tuberculosis, rickets, pneumonia.
21. Improved diet has been responsible for a dramatic decrease in rickets.
22. Vitamin D is crucial for bone growth in children and deficiency can result in rickets.
23. Ultraviolet light is needed to activate production of vitamin D in the body, which prevents rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
24. Rickets was defined as the guideline of "Prevention and Treatment of Rickets in Nurseling " by the State Ministry of Health in 1996.
25. Objective To investigate the effect of community interventions subclinical vitamin D - deficient rickets in infants.
26. Adequate vitamin D prevents the development of bone diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
27. And it appears to do more then just protect against ( weakens ) rickets.
28. It also appears to do more than just protect against rickets.
29. The infantile case presented with failure to thrive , hypotonia(, and radiologic rickets at 4 months old.
30. Loving mother gradually cream white hair, old father gradually rickets the trunk, beloved wife on the cheek by wrinkles and more...... and we did not see the praying hand for us.
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