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Sequester in a sentence

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Sentence count:40Posted:2017-03-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: attachconfiscateimpoundisolatekeep apartsecludeseizesequestrateset apartwithdrawSimilar words: sequestrationrequestequestrianout of the questionclose quartersfesterwesternsemesterMeaning: [sɪ'kwestə(r)]  v. 1. requisition forcibly, as of enemy property 2. take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority 3. undergo sequestration by forming a stable compound with an ion 4. keep away from others 5. set apart from others. 
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1. The jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.
2. The jury were sequestered during the trial.
3. Everything he owned was sequestered.
4. I found a sequestered spot at the bottom of the garden and lay down with my book.
5. This jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.
6. How much carbon is sequestered, and for how long?
7. He also rejected their requests to sequester the jury.
8. Nor did he grant the plaintiffs' request to sequester the panel until they reach a verdict.
9. Yet even when he was sequestered and suspended he still kept his privileges and immunities as an officer of Chancery.
10. It is assumed that holders of other sequestered shares will now try to regain their voting rights.
11. Regular blood tests of the sequestered biospherians showed increased levels of pesticides and herbicides in their blood.
12. Stairs lead to where the children will be sequestered and it has twin beds and its own bathroom,( thank goodness.
13. Lili's father was tremendously rich until the government sequestered all his property.
14. Barring an emergency, the jurors will not be sequestered until they begin deliberations.
15. Another use for the sequestering agents is to immobilize metals that might cause difficulties in processing.
16. He sequesters himself in a small working office, sleeves rolled up, tie off, reading mail(, making overseas calls.
17. It also discounts a geological-time-honoured way to sequester carbon.
18. Old growth forests, the study said, continue to sequester carbon for many centuries.
19. The budgetary terms, sequester and sequestration, mean that the Treasury Department will withhold or cancel a set amount of spending.
20. Those of you who are selected to serve on this panel will be sequestered.
21. After their conviction the contents of the Pethick-Lawrences' country home were sequestered by the courts.
22. Add to that the potential loss of coastal property from rising sea levels, crop loss from drastic weather related incidents, and the need to reforest large swaths of land to sequester CO2.
23. Rooted in metres of thick peat, the rainforests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia sequester vast quantities of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane.
24. In the present study, we propose to use coal combustion fly-ash, an industrial waste that contains about 4.1 wt. % of lime (CaO), to sequester carbon dioxide by aqueous carbonation.
25. This method reduces toxic pollution and makes it easier to capture and sequester gases like carbon dioxide under ground.
26. We will invent much improved methods to harness the sun, the wind, nuclear power, and capture and sequester the carbon dioxide emitted from our power plants.
27. Society should significantly expand researchinto geoengineering solutions that remove and sequester greenhousegases already in the atmosphere.
28. Republicans are already drawing up proposals to protect defence from the sequester, but Mr Obama says that he would veto any such attempt.
29. There are other obstacles too: Some insects, such as sea shrimp, cause food allergies; others sequester toxins from plants or may harbor pesticide residues.
30. "If future autumn warming occurs at a faster rate than in spring, the ability of northern ecosystems to sequester carbon may be diminished earlier than previously suggested, " write the scientists.
More similar words: sequestrationrequestequestrianout of the questionclose quartersfesterwesternsemesteryesterdaywesterneryesteryearinterestedcholesteroltestosteroneuninteresteddisinterestedesterificationsequelsequencesubsequentsequentialsubsequenceconsequenceobsequioussubsequentlyquestin consequenceconsequentlyguestconsequential
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