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Sanitary in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+6Posted:2017-02-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cleanhealthfulhygienicprophylacticpurespotlesssterileAntonym: uncleanSimilar words: unitaryunitary systemsanitymilitarysolitaryhereditaryegalitarianismtotalitarianismMeaning: ['sænɪtərɪ /-trɪ]  adj. free from filth and pathogens. 
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(121) Sanitary landfill is one of MSW disposal methods in the present and the future of China.
(122) Work areas must be kept in a neat and sanitary condition throughout the working day . Clean- up equipment must be properly stored when not in use.
(123) Sound product knowledge for furniture, sanitary ware, plumbing, metal, glass, poly and ceramic ware.
(124) The new type sanitary cigarette packing method can avoid the contamination of the filter tip in cigarette caused by pollutant in hand and other pollutant source.
(125) With improvement of people's living standard the capitation water consumption increases constantly and the sanitary sewage becomes an important pollution sources.
(126) Advertising sanitary pads on selected billboards in Pakistan's financial capital Karachi, the latest catchphrase is: "WikiLeaks... Butterfly doesn't".
(127) Objective To investigate the sanitation status of guest rooms of Guangzhou city star hotels and improve the air quality and sanitary condition of public facilities.
(128) There is a small and not very sanitary inn nearby.
(129) Due to characteristics of perishability, low heat value and high organic matter content etc, organic wastes can not be easily disposed by sanitary landfill and incineration.
(130) Check point should be set on water drainage riser each level. It should be set at lowest level and highest level which has sanitary fittings.
(131) The products were produced, packed, stored, and transported under sanitary condition, which were under the supervision of competent authority.
(132) It is more sanitary, wearable, soluble and brilliant after surface treatment.
(133) For sanitary reasons, you're supposed to swim in your birthday suit here.
(134) It is concludeed that apple bagging is an effective measure to ensure the apple sanitary safety.
(135) Countermeasures against insects are part of the sanitary environment and sanitary cleanup.
(136) For sanitary reasons, you are supposed to swim in your birthday suit here.
(137) Sanitary fumigant, poisonless and smokeless, can clean and refresh air effectively.
(138) The present invention relates to a sanitary chopsticks made of natural fibre and its production method.
(139) Cream-white agent :it is used as opacifier for wall brick, floor tile, sanitary ceramic, ceramic table ware and electrical ceramics.
(140) It can produce cotton core type, air- laid paper ultra-thin type sanitary napkin.
(141) Bureau of Quality Supervision of the sanitary napkin market survey!
(142) It uses the hot animal glue which is sanitary and can lower the cost under recycling. The speed can be adjusted whenever you need.
(143) Sanitary landfill is one of the primary objects Environmental - geotechnics Engineering concerned.
(144) The mega cities of the tropics, with their lack of sanitary systems, serve as incubators for emerging zoonoses-they represent the most difficult zoonotic disease risks of the next century.
(145) General maintenance: Are physical facilities maintained in good repair and sanitary condition?
(146) Sanitary landfill is popularly used in treating city solid waste around the world.
(147) Gravity drainage systems inside buildings - Sanitary pipework(, layout and calculation.
(148) On a whole, this kind of negative pressure isolation ward is equipped with simple sanitary equipments, can be foldaway and transported conveniently.
(149) Because our country's sanitary system not good, the hospital's distributive system is imperfective.
(150) Appearance design condenses sanitary ware artist and the stylist's intention leisurely. Looking from different angles, its luminance and streamline shape curve are perfect in workmanship.
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