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Sake in a sentence

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Sentence count:287+25Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: interestrice beersakiSimilar words: forsakeforsakenfor the sake offor God's sakefor goodness saketake the cakemake a mistakenagasakiMeaning: [seɪk]  n. 1. a reason for wanting something done 2. Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice; usually served hot 3. the purpose of achieving or obtaining. 
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151. For the time he has parted with the nobler characteristics of his humanity for the sake of a planetary power of locomotion.
152. Little concerned to adopt the tonal idioms of opera for the sake of dramatic expression was Nicolas Bernier.
153. If a government minister dissents then he's out, for the sake of the government's credibility.
154. Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children.
155. He had no sense of give and take; no idea of the concessions one made for the sake of social comfort.
156. For the sake of morale, I had to get back to the people who were waiting for us in Porcupine.
157. For goodness sake, what made you think David Chester would walk into this in the first place?
158. His brother Menelaus was the husband of Helen, for whose sake the Trojan War was fought.
159. You can no longer, for the sake of building a road,( destroy houses without providing alternative accommodation.
160. In the best traditions of international competition she emphasized the importance of playing the game for its own sake.
161. By an unwritten rule, they avoided controversy for the sake of good fellowship.
162. Is this the Rainbow for whose sake I have risked my whole career?
163. He too laughs heartily, his face growing red with sake.
164. And the sake looks particularly good behind the lighted, eye-level glass case.
165. Order a hot sake or green tea from the server.
166. But Victor Amadeus seems to have had little interest in scholarship for its own sake.
167. Our mission is three-fold: To undertake basic research to advance knowledge for its own sake.
168. This is an uneven show, driven by a concept that puts too much value on the different for its own sake.
168. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
169. It may yet be possible to convince manufacturers, governments and the public that energy saving is worthwhile for its own sake.
170. I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move. Robert Louis Stevenson 
171. I must be brave for Perdita's sake, said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell.
172. Umpires must interpret the bad light law correctly for the sake of the crowd.
173. Catherine, so quit making this damn big fuss, woman, fah Cyrise sake!
174. The point is not to seek confrontation for its own sake.
175. In the eyes of ordinary folk, the crusade was a holy war for the sake of war.
176. No passionate declarations about changing for her sake, about chucking it all in and finding something else to do.
177. He treated Abram well for her sake and Abram acquired sheep and cattle.
178. For the sake of reliability, pumps were not used to transfer fuel and oxidizer to the thrust chamber.
179. Castrati made themselves eunuchs both for art's sake and for jobs in baroque Rome.
180. The second thing that some universities do is provide liberal education for its own sake.
More similar words: forsakeforsakenfor the sake offor God's sakefor goodness saketake the cakemake a mistakenagasakitakerakejakelakehakefakebakecakewakemakeflakequaketakenbakerbrakeshakeawakestakenakedsnakemakersoaked
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