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Sake in a sentence

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Sentence count:287+25Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: interestrice beersakiSimilar words: forsakeforsakenfor the sake offor God's sakefor goodness saketake the cakemake a mistakenagasakiMeaning: [seɪk]  n. 1. a reason for wanting something done 2. Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice; usually served hot 3. the purpose of achieving or obtaining. 
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181. It is best if divorced parents can maintain friendly relations for the sake of the children.
182. He knew instinctively that this was no casual conversation and that for Cora-Beth's sake he must be honest.
183. You can still get catfish, though-catfish pizza, catfish enchiladas, catfish sushi washed down with sake.
184. Such explanations tend to emphasize the possession of knowledge for its own sake.
185. But when, for goodness' sake, had anyone ever got excited at the prospect of a cup of tea?
186. If you have to do it every day, for God’s sake learn to do it well. Mignon McLaughlin 
187. By the end of the century landscape painting for its own sake was established.
188. No reason why you should be treated like bone chine just because you've had a baby, for goodness sake.
189. We have no doubt that there is no congressional power to expose for the sake of exposure.
190. More than that-it fills me with happiness that you were able, for your own sake, to speak to me so.
191. You may want to chase it all down with a $ 3 carafe of hot sake.
192. And for heaven's sake don't bring the subject up at a dinner party!
193. Let us assume for the sake of argument that you are not Joan Crawford.
194. For the sake of this exercise, he would confine his research to sums which were lost due to insolvencies.
195. Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for. George Sand 
196. They have suffered wholesale slaughter for the sake of the ivory trade.
197. For the sake of your health make a determined effort to stop smoking.
198. She was left thinking how hard he was driving himself for the sake of his adoptive family.
199. For goodness sake, girl,[] you must stop this silly habit.
200. I was desperately unhappy in that job, but had to grit my teeth and stay smiling for the sake of my children.
201. For the sake of simplicity, this introductory chapter will concentrate upon one conflict theory: Marxism.
202. Its proposed creation is another indication of an attitude in the Community of seeking integration for its own sake.
203. For the sake of symmetry, Blue orders the same drink.
204. I'm not sure that's an accurate description, but for the sake of argument I'll accept it.
205. We laughed and joked, Ichiro trying the whiskey, me sipping a little sake.
206. Are we willing to sacrifice our kids for the sake of stimulating our economy?
207. We should be careful to avoid introducing change for change's sake and should carefully evaluate potential disadvantages as well as advantages.
208. For heaven's sake, Rachel, look at the fossil record as a whole.
209. She hoped for his sake the memory of his time working for MacQuillan would quickly fade.
210. He points out each gesture and every act he performs only for my sake and at great inconvenience to himself.
More similar words: forsakeforsakenfor the sake offor God's sakefor goodness saketake the cakemake a mistakenagasakitakerakejakelakehakefakebakecakewakemakeflakequaketakenbakerbrakeshakeawakestakenakedsnakemakersoaked
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