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Rhetorically in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2016-11-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rhetorichistoricallyhistoricalmetaphoricallyhistoricbasicallytypicallylogicallyMeaning: adv. in a rhetorical manner. 
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1 'Do you think I'm stupid?' she asked rhetorically.
2 Suddenly, the narrator speaks in his most rhetorically elevated mode.
3 People talk, rhetorically, of waging war on diseases.
4 This chapter examines what it means rhetorically to express an opinion.
5 Rhetorically, he still presents himself as a supporter of bipartisanship.
6 It has been rhetorically espoused by politicians and sceptically analysed by academics.
7 Rhetorically, his speech was excellent.
8 How does this introduction function rhetorically?
9 Rhetorically, Mr Murdoch hit all the right notes.
10 He addressed the crowd very rhetorically,[] shouting and waving his arms.
11 Now the government is committed rhetorically – and, increasingly, in practice – to rebuilding the social safety net.
12 Sir Leon asked rhetorically whether these changes could continue and be sustained.
13 As an important semantic relation, antonymy is often rhetorically used in the practice of language.
14 "Do these kids know how lucky they are?" Jackson asked rhetorically.
15 "You want to know what courage is?" he asked rhetorically.
16 His dusty and impoverished desert nation, after all, is under attack from all sides, rhetorically and literally.
17 These poems particularized about the South with not enough precision, and generalized a little too rhetorically.
18 Humphrey paced the rug behind his desk and demanded rhetorically.
19 Homophonic hypertexts are of a function of puns and rhetorically featured with humor,[] novelty and brevity.
20 The problem with that idea, though, is that the administration is boxed in, politically and rhetorically.
More similar words: rhetorichistoricallyhistoricalmetaphoricallyhistoricbasicallytypicallylogicallystaticallyironicallyphysicallyhystericalelectricalfanaticallypoliticallypracticallyspecificallyeconomicallydramaticallyautomaticallystrategicallyspasmodicallymeteoricoriginallyhistorianAfricanAmericanhurricanegubernatorialfabricate
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