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Necessitate in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2017-03-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: askcall fordemandinvolveneedpostulaterequiretakeSimilar words: necessitymake a virtue of necessitynecessaryunnecessarynecessarilysecessionrecessiverecessionMeaning: [nɪ'sesɪteɪt]  v. 1. require as useful, just, or proper 2. cause to be a concomitant. 
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1. This would necessitate interviewing all members of staff.
2. Your proposal will necessitate borrowing more money.
3. Reduction in government spending will necessitate further cuts in public services.
4. This requirement may necessitate preprocessing of input data.
5. Its writing will necessitate an extensive examination of diverse literatures.
6. Neither of these approaches necessitate the drawing of precise lines between legal and factual questions.
7. Direct action by central government would necessitate substantially increased expenditure and therefore revenue.
8. Collecting such evidence would necessitate the co-operation of foreign governments.
9. The first will almost certainly necessitate a major cull of the 140 committees.
10. The Homecoming parade and street party will necessitate closing University Avenue.
11. Both types of transactions necessitate the use of nostro accounts with correspondent banks.
12. The proposed festival would necessitate closing University Avenue between 14th and 24th Streets Northwest.
13. This would necessitate questioning the myths that abound in the enterprise.
14. Moreover[], the introduction of notepad style computers will necessitate non-keyboard input.
15. Problem with tape backup system will necessitate switching two Model 30s between Finance and Computer Room.
16. Reassign personnel as work loads necessitate.
17. This change would necessitate starting all over again.
18. Your mistakes necessitate doing the work again.
19. Eg : Your mistakes necessitate doing the work again.
20. Starting an enterprise will necessitate borrowing money.
21. Your proposal would necessitate changing our plans.
22. Complications, however[], could necessitate the removal of the implants.
23. The agglomeration and sintering of fine particles can necessitate a lowering in temperature of operation.
24. It is common that a single requirement will necessitate multiple interface elements.
25. If you are changing your swing technique around to improve your game, it should never necessitate not playing on the course.
26. We also have it that effects do no more than dependently necessitate their causal circumstances.
27. It has an ageing population and social security laws which will generate a massive public expenditure burden and necessitate tax increases.
28. First, there are the changes in the professions themselves which necessitate changes in professional education.
29. It was supposed that the critical role of knowledge work in this new style enterprise would necessitate the restructuring of administrative systems.
30. The crux of the issue, therefore, is to pluralize approaches to writing by making adaptations where the needs of learners and circumstances of learning necessitate.
More similar words: necessitymake a virtue of necessitynecessaryunnecessarynecessarilysecessionrecessiverecessionhesitaterecesscessionpredecessorhesitationexcessiveaccessiblesuccessionprocessingaccessiblyconcessionprocessionsuccessiveinaccessibleaccessibilityimitateagitateword processingagitatedmilitatemeditateirritate
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