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Remote in a sentence

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Sentence count:240+20Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: distantfarhiddenisolatedremovedsecludedAntonym: nearSimilar words: promoteremoveremovalceremonyfirst and foremostmothermotormotiveMeaning: [rɪ'məʊt]  n. a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance. adj. 1. apart in space 2. very unlikely 3. separate or apart in time 4. inaccessible and sparsely populated; 5. far apart in nature. 
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121, The new ScaNet/RemotePC is designed to give ScaNet users remote access from personal computers via a modem.
122, There are some versions of remote replay which do give the user complete remote control.
123, How may the tourists boost the incomes and employment of people in remote places?
124, She felt angry and disappointed at being robbed of her remote contact with her landlord through the letters.
125, It is a remote country with difficult communications, climate and geography.
126, Do not try to erase anything as remote from basic-basic as birth unless the file clerk insists on presenting birth.
127, It may be that the old pictographic signs acquired a special magic power associated with the remote past.
128, Furthermore, the causes of fuelwood scarcity must seem remote and diffuse to the average urban dweller.
129, Recent advances in remote sensing and computer based processing of digital imagery may overcome such problems.
130, The frozen and remote feeling of the old portrait photograph which repelled artists like Redon has had an intense attraction for others.
131, According to one account[], the Cornishmen felt that the affairs of the North were too remote to interest them.
132, This caused a sensation in Western countries where the threat of serious infectious disease had come to be considered remote.
133, Not once, even in the most remote spots and island hideaways, has Diana forgotten to put on her bikini top.
134, Specification is high - remote control central locking and electric windows.
135, Rory was holding the television remote control and was flicking rapidly through the channels.
136, The remote keypad eliminates disturbance to the balance caused when operating the function keys.
137, Standard equipment includes an electric sunroof, electric front windows, remote control central locking and a 60/40 split folding rear seat.
138, The large central section of the window displays the remote computer bulletin board.
139, Fixed and variable outputs are fitted for a remote control handset is included.
140, The outfit comes with six speakers, including a subwoofer, a digital sound processor and a digital remote.
141, The wireless remote receiver also can be connected to your home security system to alert the police.
141, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
142, To reach their concessions, they build roads into previously remote areas.
143, The software allows users to access local and remote communication services on NetWare networks without being confined to a local area network.
144, At first Keoni had seemed very remote, too distant to be a real worry.
145, This ability to share the desktop has many useful features, like allowing remote access to your office computer.
146, Much will be dispersed by helicopter, and possibly some by boat to smaller or more remote riverside communities.
147, The police post is very remote and they often supplement their diet of maize and beans with game meat.
148, A customer uses her remote control to shop different channels with the touch of a button.
149, Normal practice is for your system software / hardware supplier to dial in and control your network from a remote terminal.
150, The national newspaper Is remote, the events not within his area and thus less familiar and less credible.
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